Chapter 8

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8 years later

Lucy POV

8 years has gone by really fast. I wonder if Wendy and the others are okay.
I changed a lot over these few years I learned fire,iron,earth,water,sky,and air dragon slayer magic. Also god, wolf, and others. My hair grew long ad I dyed it black and my eyes turns blue other then that I'm still my self. I wonder if they are gonna reconize me.maybe not.

"Your highness... Star wanted me too give you this-" I looked at the keys in her hands "- its the keys to igneel, gandeeny, metalhead, and star plus me and the others. She wants you to take them to summon us when ever you needed too" said Milan aka the maid

"Thank you Milan I'll be going now" I said grabbing my luggage and started walking out

"Wait here's the key to the dragon relm and wolf and god realms please be safe out there" she said

"I promise I would and I'm the queen remember" I said smiling and giving her a hug

"Of course I remember but some people will wanna kill you for your magic so be careful"

"Okay thank you-" I broke the hugg and she went inside " open potal to earthland"

I stepped inside and returned in front of fairy tail. I took a deep breath and walked inside. I forgot to put my hood on so everyone stared at me.

I saw a girl in her teens with blue hair looking at me, I saw a boy with pink hair crying as he looked at a pitcher of a blonde, I also saw a boy with raven blue hair that was shirtless and he smirked, I saw my best friend still with short blue hair which was still beautiful. I missed all of them.

"Where's your master" I asked a girl with white hair

"Up stairs" she said

"Thank you" I said as I went upstairs to talk to makolav

"Why" she asked

"That's none of your concern...Mira" I said

She looked at me like as she seen a ghost. All I could do is smile and continue walking up those stairs to the masters office.

Natsu POV

I miss her so much. Its been eight whole years and I haven't seen her. She said she was moving but I couldn't catch her scent. I wonder where she has gone. I'm crying staring at a picture of her.

I then hear the door open but I didn't care to look. Everyone was quite tho but I still didn't care all I wanted was lucy to come back. I know that scent... Lucy... No that cat be it can't be lucy she's gone.

"Listen up you brats we have a new member here with us. Her name is Lucy Heartfiella" said master

I turned my head and ran to her. But when she took off her hood it wasn't her. She had black hair and blue eyes. The can't be her not one bit.

"Wheres the real Lucy" I said pulling her shirt

"I am the real lucy idiot"

"Prove it"

"Okay your name is Natsu dragneel. Your adoptive father name is Igneel. You have an exceed named happy. You like to eat a lot and my favorite your my best friend" she said.

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