Chapter five: Guilty

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Natsu POV

As we all saw the mysterious person hug wendy and leave we all sat down staring at wendy making sure she is okay. Then Gramps came down stairs and told Mira something. She nodded and walked outside.

A few seconds later she came back in holding envelopes in her hand. She gave them all to gramps. I read his lips as he said thank you to Mira and looked at us and the envelopes then back at us.

"Okay listen up you brats. I have some letters in my hand. I'm gonna give one to Mira for she can read it to us." Gramps handed it to Mira.

She nodded and teared open the envelope and signed with a sad look on her face. I knew that look...the look when we are about to hear something sad. She looked up at us but then glared at me. Then started reading

" Dear fairy tail,

I wanted to let you know that I got kicked off of team natsu. So why you're about to hear blame them... (Sorry I didn't want to rewrite the entire letter again)

Your friend

Lucy heartfiella"

By the time Mira was done reading it had most of the guild crying. But mostly everyone was mad at me.

"You see she quit the guild and yet still forgave us" gramps glared at me " no on in this guild should be called weak. Natsu... When you called her weak you called all of us weak. Erza,gray I expect more from you especially you Erza I can't believe you've agreed to this."

"Master i-i did..." He cut her off by putting his hand up as be quite. She nodded and stood quite.

"Wendy come here please" wendy for up and walked to makoav." Lucy really cared about you and you are lucky. Here she wanted me to give this to you" she grabbed the envelope while I looked at her.

Wendy POV.

I took the letter out of masters hand. I felt as if everyone was looking at me.

Now that I thought about it that mysterious person who hugged me and left was lucy.

I tore open the envolope which felt heavy and pulled out the letter and read it. My eyes grew watery and I started tearing. Eventually I fell down to my knees covering my eyes with my hands and started sobbing.

Gray,Erza,and levy walked up to me and tried to comfort me.

I looked back into the envelope and saw six thousand jewels inside.I couldn't dare to look at it I just started crying harder then ever.

"She...she t-thought of m-me as her l-little sister... A-and she gave m-me six T-thousand jewels" I cried as I heard everyone gasp and cried with me. Everyone cried except natsu.

Was he heartless...did he care for lucy-san... Did he wanna see her get hurt... All I know is that I was fustrated with natsu for not even shedding a tear of hurt. I hope she is okay.

Natsu POV

When I heard lucy quit the guild I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I don't know what's gotten into me I just didn't cared for her as I used too.

But I would never forget those eyes, her smile, her laugh, her kindness and her scent. IMA miss the Blondie. But now I feel guilty the whole guild seemed pissed at me about lucy. Her quiting the guild was my fault yea I amite it, it want fault but it's too late now. I don't know where she is. And if she was here how couldn't I sense her.

She'll crawl back like the weakling she is. She's gonna be coming back crying like she always does. All I have to do is wait for her, I'll laugh in her face and ill hug her but till then I'm not gonna do anything. Nothing at all cuz all I need is Erza, lisanna, wendy, levy and gray.

"N-natsu..." I looked up at wendy coming towards me with her head down.

"Yeah lu-wendy"I said catching myself before I would say lucy.

She looked up at me slowly her bangs covered her eyes as she clenched her fist.

"H-how dare y-you... First you kicked her off the team and now you don't shed a single tear"

I knew she was getting angry so I backed away from her because if you mess with a dragon slayer feelings you might just end up dead.

"H-hold on w-wendy i-i..." I was studdering and she stopped me.


"WENDY DON'T YE...L" she stopped me again


I stared at her with fear as her hands turned into light blue flames. I felt her pain as she slapped me across the face. It hurted like hell her flames are too powerful. If I tried to battle her I would lose because her feelings took over her power making her stronger then ever.

"W-wendy y-you slapped me"

"Of course I did it's your fault she quit"

She came closer to me. I crawled back hitting my head against the wall of the guild hall. She started punching me really hard and started kicking me like her life depended on it. Soon master yelled

"That's enough you two. But natsu you did deserve it"

Wendy finally stopped hitting me and I held me stomach in pain. Her punches does hurt...a lot. I didn't know that she can be taken over by her own emotions. I saw her crying again.

"LUCY-SAN!!!!!" she yelled as Carla came and took her home with her money.

Everyone went home and glared at me with hatred in there eyes. Some of them said I was a jerk and jerks don't belong in fairy tail. While others just rolled their eyes and glared at me.

So this is what guilt felt like. Getting beat up by a 10 year old and everyone telling me I was a jerk and doesn't belong here in fairy tail. I hated this feeling. I wish lucy never quit the guild.

I got up and walked to Lucy's apartment. I decided to stay the night there. I guess me just sitting on her bed made me cry. All those memories we had here

Me and her three days ago sitting talking about her dream/past.... Me laughing with her... The first time I came threw the window...and our first sleepover...

I remembered it all

The first time we meet... Our first meal together... And the time I for suspicious about that party boat and saved her just in time...

It felt like it was yesterday

When she first stepped into fairy tail... Our first mission together... Her meeting Erza for the first time...

I miss her so freaking much. I ended up falling asleep on her comfy bed while thinking about all the things we been threw. Still holding my stomach in pain.

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