Chapter 17

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When I looked closer I saw something or should I say someone grinning at me "Zabcrow you bastard, you won't get away with this"

He chuckled and had a wip in his hands "I think I already have"

He them slung the wip at me "AAAHHHH"

Lucy POV

I was running in magnolia east forest at night with Erza, Gray, Jellal, Meredy, Mira, and Mikani. Both Mikani and I was upfront following his scent. But sometimes we have to stop because there be two ways his scent is leading too.

We was running once again until both Mikani and I just stopped and smelled the air "Mikani his scent is leading towards the right how about you"

She just stood there and looked at me "Lucy... I know... Who took your boyfriend Natsu"

I was so happy, shocked, and confused all in the same time "Really who... Where do we find him"

She scratched the back of her head and looked down "Well, I connected all the pieces together from what happened before I joined Fairy tail, based on what you told me"

I walked up towards her and so did the others, see quickly put her head back down for no one can see her face -__- " Okay go one, we need anything to help find him"

She sighed and put her head up a little bit "Lucy, I think... Grimwar heart took him back after the battle, and took advantage when you went to the meeting and when no one was around"

I squealed and gave her a hug "OMG, I love you Mikani. Now that I think of it, that island I had to go to when me and Natsu fought for the first time. That was Grimwar hearts secured island"

She backed away after I broke the hug and Erza tapped my shoulder "Lucy how are we gonna get over there"

I flashed one of Natsu's signature Toothy grins "Easy... Open Portal to Grimwar hearts secured island" a purple and blue portal opened up and I looked at all of them "Are you guys coming"

Gray was the first one to run in, followed by Mira, jellal, Erza, meredy, mikani then me. When I walked in it the portal disappeared andbi ewas at the island.


Before I can do anything Jellal and Erza punched him in the gut to make him shut up. Then we started walking but before I can say anything I fell on the floor.

"What the hell-" when I started getting up "-AAAHHHHH" I was crouching down and holding my stomach, they all looked at me "AAHHHH"

Mira ran up to me and rubbed my back "What's wrong Lucy... Please stop yelling"

Meredy had a frightened look on her face "Its the bracelet, Natsu's in pain and you can feel it... Do you know what he's thinking"

I was panting and trying to stay focused on his thoughts. Zancrow you bastard, whenni get out of here I swear I'll burn you to a crisp. I looked up at them "He's with Zancrow but I don't know where"

Jellal came and put his hand on my head and closed his eyes "Lucy, She's right, he's in pain somewhere on this island"

"Lucy, do you feel anything on your body that may be useful" Meredy asked me as she took several steps towards me

I started getting up and rubbing the back of my head "Y-Yeah, my wrist feels like chains are on them and I feel like I have cuts all over my body mostly on my stomach"

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