Chapter 1: She wants to be kissed

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When you are in your junior year of high school, life seems great. You've been doing this for quite a while, you get the hang of it. Teachers know you, your classmates know you. If you're lucky enough, being social is no problem, you get good grades, you know what you want and your only worry is doing well so you can go to a good college.

Son Chaeyoung falls into that category. She finds life just wonderful. And she is sure everything is going to be okay as long as is perfectly planned by her. And as long as she is with her best friend. It really can't be another way.

Nothing can't be another way, or else, Chaeyoung might lose it. She carefully and thoroughly plans and takes into consideration every detail. You really can't catch her unprepared.

"Mashed potatoes." The sound of the tray made Chaeyoung look up. "I hate mashed potatoes, you can have it."

"I won't have it, Dahyun, you need to eat."

"Gosh, but you brought me something, didn't you," Dahyun asked pealing her orange, the only thing she found edible in that lunch tray.

Chaeyoung sighed and reached for her backpack. It was Wednesday. She knew it was mashed potatoes' day. Actually, everyone should know, yet everyone acted surprised every day. Did no one read schedules? She knew Dahyun hated them. She always packed her a sandwich.

"Here, I didn't have time to cut the edges this time."

"It's okay, I'm a grown-up, you know."

'no, I don't' Chaeyoung thought. her best friend sure acted like one whenever it was convenient. "Sure."

"Ah, I love lunchtime," Dahyun chewed energetically on her sandwich. "It means only a few more hours to go home."

"You have debate team," Chaeyoung reminded her like it was so obvious and she sure was used to reminding her every Wednesday and Thursday.

"Fudge, right, okay," Dahyun nodded. "But then... Oh, we have to study, right?"

"Yeah," Chaeyoung pouted. "I really need to, we must do well tomorrow, it's an all-nighter."

"Well, I like those if I'm with you."

Chaeyoung smiled wide. "Great, I'll have everything ready for when you get there."

"I know you will."

And lunchtime passed. They went to their last classes and it was time to go. Usually, Chaeyoung would wait for Dahyun, but this time she went straight home to have everything nice and comfortable for their study session. Chaeyoung guessed it was better to use her room.

You see, their town was a rather small town and probably everyone knew each other. The Kims and the Sons sure did. Chaeyoung and Dahyun had been friends since before they could walk. Their families shared many holidays and had been good friends for years. Now, Dahyun's family, specifically her dad, had to go away for some time for his job. Naturally, her daughter needed to move out with them, but Chaeyoung, who has her whole life planned, of course, couldn't let that happen. Consequently, both their parents came to an agreement and Dahyun was living with her until graduation.

It was no trouble. They basically lived together anyway. And there was an extra room at Chaeyoung's place given her brother was studying abroad. At first Dahyun kind of hated feeling like a burden but then everyone reassured her she wasn't, at all, and now she really is a burden only for Chaeyoung, but in a good way, Chaeyoung loves taking care of her. Just small things, like her Wednesday sandwiches or being her personal agenda, which, honestly, Chaeyoung was for everyone around her.

If it weren't for Dahyun, Chaeyoung's best friend could be easily her phone by how she is always taking notes and using her calendar all the time. What had her calendar for tomorrow? They had a physic test, they both needed to study being focused for that one. Both had good grades, Chaeyoung actually had the best one in their course, but she wouldn't make a big deal out of it, she just really liked to have everything organized which granted her the right amount of time to study and it was working. See? She has everything under control.

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