Chapter 2: Theory first

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She was not making it up, the senior got so close, she only reacted just before their lips could touch, pushing her shoulders.

"What are you doing?" Chaeyoung was utterly confused.

"Ah," the girl said. "Well, you were upset."


"I figured you'd calm down with a kiss, it sort of worked, didn't it? Besides... your crush got kissed, I thought it would be fair if you did too."

That was odd reasoning. But it weirdly made sense in Chaeyoung's mind, it was indeed good thinking. For her, if it had good arguments it was enough. The senior made sense. Then she really thought about it.

"Well, I've never kissed anyone..." She didn't feel shame saying it, and for some reason, she had talked so much with this girl already.

"Do you want to?" It was an offer.

"Would you tell me your name now?"

"I'm Mina," the girl smiled extending her hand, "and you're Chaeyoung."

"Hey, that's my line," Chaeyoung smiled too and they shook hands. "So, Mina, do you always go around kissing random people?" The comment made Mina look down, she seemed slightly annoyed. Chaeyoung had not meant it in a bad way. "I— I didn't mean to offend you, it was—"

"No, it's okay, it has nothing to do with you, just, uh, well, do you want to? I could kiss you now."

"That's..." That's a nice offer indeed. Chaeyoung felt a bit shy and she wanted to say yes, that way she would know what it was like, how to kiss properly, how to kiss Dahyun. Mina seemed to understand her hesitation as an invitation, Chaeyoung felt delicate fingers under her chin once again and... "Yes!" She stopped Mina one more time. "Uh, yes, I do, just... not now."


"No, but, with you."


"I mean," Chaeyoung thought about it all in just a second, if Mina was willing to kiss her, she could use that. "We can kiss, on Monday, would you teach me how?"

Mina stared at her for a long time probably considering the odd request. Chaeyoung knew there was a low possibility of her saying yes but she really wanted to kiss properly, that way, that Angelo guy wouldn't be competition. She tried her best puppy eyes and Mina sighed.

"Okay, why the hell not, Monday."

"Great!" Chaeyoung took her phone out and typed the encounter. "After class, you can find me at the west door at five." Dahyun didn't use that door. They didn't usually. She felt hopeful once again. And Mina smiling at her, made her feel less crazy. It was a good plan, right? She had her reasons and a willing girl, as awful as that sounded.

But as soon as she said goodbye to Mina and Dahyun found her some time after so they could leave, she felt sad and defeated once again which wasn't proper of her, but it hurt. She needed to rest in order to feel better, with everything planned, nice, and with no sad feelings.

It didn't help the way Dahyun seemed extremely happy all the way home until they finally went to bed but she couldn't give up. So Chaeyoung washed her face, fixed her room a bit, checked her board, watered her cactus, and when she finally closed her eyes in bed she felt more relaxed. She had not been able to express her true feelings, but maybe it was better that way. Now, she was going to learn and prepare how to kiss, so when she finally finds the right moment again to express her feelings, if she gets to kiss Dahyun, she would be mesmerized by such a good kisser 'instead of vacuum cleaner Angelo' It was a great plan. Dahyun had been right, they should experience stuff, just with a slightly different motive for Chaeyoung. She didn't give Mina's willingness a second thought, just felt grateful as she fell asleep.

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