Chapter 13: Have you tried knocking?

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It was urgent that Chaeyoung talked to Dahyun in private. Chaeyoung's brain was about to explode. All the little Chaeyoungs working in each department were running from one place to the other screaming as everything burnt down. And that is not normal, you know Chaeyoung's mind is barely disrupted. All the tiny Chaeyoungs usually hum a soft melody as they do their work so efficiently they feel proud.

After Mina left, Chaeyoung couldn't speak. It was new. She had acquired that the last time Mina had left her alone unexpectedly. Not so unexpectedly the last time... as she had learned, when you word vomit terrible things at someone, it is indeed normal that they might leave.

But now, she had not said anything wrong. She wanted to say a lot, but it was interrupted. Awfully and gut twisting terrible. So confusing, so emotionally charged that she couldn't speak.

Her friends took her home. Momo drove them and left with Tzuyu. As usual, as expected, almost as if they had had the typical smoothie Sunday. Except they never got their order. Right? Chaeyoung couldn't remember.

She almost felt relieved. But this time something was telling her she needed to react. To talk. This time she could feel the urgency of the situation on a whole other level. Last time she was out of it. This time she had to react. Somehow.

"Chaeng?" Dahyun asked seeing Chaeyoung had not really moved since they got in. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize sooner about—"

But Chaeyoung couldn't hear any of it, she had to react and she did. She ran. Away from the turmoil of emotions and words, and words, and words.

Remember, Chaeyoung is not a violent person, but she just really needed to punch something. So that is exactly what she did, over and over. Once again not even bothering to wrap her hands or wear gloves. It is not really a bad thing if you do not do it all the time. Chaeyoung didn't do it all the time, only when she was so frustrated she needed to feel the roughness of the bag. Chaeyoung's fists clenched with frustration as she approached the punching bag

Why something like that was so relieving? She was not sure. But it emptied her mind. She could only feel the growing pain in her hands and arms and soon enough in her lungs, she needed air.

She needed to take a break but it was not something she was going to allow herself, the room echoing with the rhythmic thud of her punches. Her movements were fueled by a potent mix of anger and determination, each strike resonating with a raw intensity. The boxing bag swung violently, absorbing the force of her blows.

A low growl escaped her lips, a manifestation of the pent-up emotions driving her relentless assault on the bag. The air in the room crackled with the energy she poured into each punch, the physical manifestation of her inner confusion.

As beads of sweat formed on her forehead, she felt the discomfort of her clothing, she took her top off in a swift movement and kept throwing strong punches. She overworked herself so much, she lost balance and one of her blows missed the punching bag, making her fall forward. She steadied her body by holding the trembling punching bag and let out a loud scream in frustration.

Chaeyoung stayed there breathing in and out until her breaths became normal again. She felt dizzy and exhausted. Why was she so mad? Because things were falling out of her control. Everything. But it was even more frustrating when she realized through each punch what she didn't want to accept; she couldn't control everything, she couldn't fix everything.

'I can only try' she thought. 'and I will try'

It was clear in her mind that she needed to go back up there and talk to Dahyun. Tell her all the things she had been keeping. But it was confusing when she realized what was actually happening. It was new.

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