Chapter 14: Pocket-sized hot

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Author's Note:
Happy for Chaeyoung, aren't we? That's all we should be. I won't say it didn't make me the slightest bit sad, because it did. Nevertheless, it has nothing to do with any of us. Regarding my stories, I will continue to write michaeng stories. Fanfic is part of a fantasy that for me, it is still there. I get if some people need time, but I feel now we need fanfic more than ever. I write from a concept, from a distorted reality just using some extent of the real thing. It's all part of a narrative that makes us happy. So I hope you can continue loving michaeng as much as I do. Plus, you know, if she likes to date men, that's her lost. Okay, joke aside, I love Chaeyoung, I love Mina, I love Twice and I love you guys. Hope you enjoy this update.


Blonde hair locks tickled her face. It didn't bother her.

For some reason, nothing the girl did bothered her.

Although Chaeyoung could feel weight and pressure on top of her, it was oddly lighter. Yet, it was perfect. Even if Chaeyoung would rather have stronger pressure when it came to contact.

She didn't mind the soft caresses either, they felt like heaven. Especially when Mina's hand went under her pajama shirt and held her waist. She remembered that. Mina had used her hand there, everything she was feeling she had felt before. The tender kisses, the warm breath... Maybe it was heaven because of the weird golden and silver glow everything had.

It was curious, because she was enjoying everything, even the way the girl started to kiss her neck, still holding her waist. Mina moved up, she couldn't see her face but she could feel her hair still tickling her. The curious part was how she even seemed to enjoy when Mina stopped kissing her neck and licked from there all the way up to her earlobe, sucking on it, and oh— Chaeyoung Couldn't understand how that could feel so nice, it looked so... unnecessary wet and annoying and— it felt just perfect, so perfect it sent shivers down her spine and suddenly the pressure was gone, the glow was gone, Mina was gone. Now, she only felt the weight of one bedsheet and the comforter, that used to be carefully wrapping her and now it seemed scattered.

At least she was still on her back, she always slept on her back. 'Just a dream' she thought as she blinked more times than necessary, trying to get her senses back. It was just a dream... a different kind of dream. It was actually her first-ever dream of the sort. Chaeyoung felt embarrassed. Not because of the content of the dream but... of Mina being there. Was that allowed? Should she tell her? She felt she needed to ask for permission to have her image there. Did she not? She was not an expert in the dreams area.

Chaeyoung breathed in and out slowly. She could feel the warmth emanating from all her body. She had to lick her lips and repeat to herself that the dream had ended. But the images wouldn't leave her brain. It had been a while since she had felt Mina's lips and this dream had felt so real she couldn't just let it go.

She gave in, still embarrassed, and closed her eyes to relieve it all. The ticklish sensation against her ear was the strongest sensation. Chaeyoung wished she was still dreaming... it was not enough to fantasize on her own about Mina's lips against hers, so delicate yet precise. Oh, but what a powerful tool the brain was because with a little imagination, Chaeyoung felt her breathing changing again. Flashes of Mina kissing her neck, sucking her earlobe, straddling her on her living room couch after having had ice cream, Mina feeling her arms, Mina removing her school tie, and— Maybe, just maybe it was all too much for Chaeyoung to take in right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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