Chapter 11: There's always a pattern

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Author's note: Hello everyone! Sorry it took so long. Here's an update. In this chapter you get to know Mina a little bit better, give her a chance. Also, I have been meaning to tell you about Chaeyoung. As many of you have noticed, she clearly is on the spectrum. In the first chapter, you can't really tell, but as the story progresses you get to know her better and you get to see her interactions with other characters and how others perceive her. I hope that clarifies many of your questions. Finally, thanks for reading as always and let me know your thoughts!

By the middle of her sophomore year, Mina fell in love.

It was like getting hit by lighting. She should have realized sooner, but she did not. And when she did, it was terrifying. Yet, beautiful.

She had met Im Nayeon in middle school and as some friendships do, they got along as if they had been friends since forever. Joined at the hip.

The two of them were inseparable, it was known by everyone. Mina felt happy, safe, and most importantly, accompanied.

Nayeon accepted her feelings and reciprocated them. It was a dream come true. Until it was not anymore.

Nayeon was not ready.

Mina understood that.

Nayeon acted like an asshole.

Mina could not understand that.

They say young love hurts. Mina could confirm. Her heart ached so much all the time. Before Nayeon, things were not good. Now, after Nayeon, things were even worse. The only difference, she had known love. Real love. Because she was sure, that regardless of how Nayeon had acted, reacted and kept on acting, Mina's love for her had been real. And probably, still was. According to Mina, you love someone once and you cannot simply unlove them. Love is a strong word that she had not taken for granted, even if Nayeon had.

Of all days, today Mina did not want to get home that early. Unfortunately, things did not last until six. And she did not feel like escaping somewhere else. She felt too tired for that.

"Ms. Myoui," A startled Mr. Jung said. "You didn't call, right? Certainly, I would have heard." He seemed to be about to get something from the spotless shiny black car parked near the big entrance.

"No worries, Mr. Jung," Mina said. "I walked on purpose."

"Be ware, you should call me, you know that's why I'm here."

"I know." Mina somehow felt bad at how much Mr. Jung was always worrying. But it's been a while since she has giving him reasons. She was okay, it was not a big deal. She appreciated it, though.

Mr. Jung walked Mina inside, still making conversation. "How was Ms. Son? Peculiar girl." He was aware of Mina's extracurriculars... as in boxing.

Mina was not going into detail, her heart felt tiny. "Lovely as always."

"Good, good," he mumbled and they got inside, where more of Mina's servants as Chaeyoung had called them were waiting.

Somehow everything resembled Chaeyoung. Mina sighed slightly and put on a smile. "Is it just dinner?"

"Just dinner, honey," A middle-aged woman that Mina cared for fondly answered right away. Her servants were the closest thing she got to a family, so no, she didn't like how Chaeyoung had referred to them.

Mina subconsciously reached for her necklace and answered, "Okay, I can do dinner."

In no time she passed from receiving kisses to getting yelled at to... this. It always amazed her how quickly she had learned to change emotions and keep everything to herself. Mina had learned to resist her reactions and suppress her real feelings. It was not that hard especially with a bit of alcohol, except in a few occasions, when you get drunk and decide to crash a party. The good thing? That night she ended up with Chaeyoung. 'maybe not good now'

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