Chapter 7: That can't be right

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A green grape flew high just to end up in the fresh-cut grass. Again.

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

One more try and she had to say something. "You have to think before throwing."

Momo took another grape and failed. She frowned and ignored Chaeyoung. They were sitting in the schoolyard, where there's grass near the school gymnasium. Suddenly a grape went high again but it didn't hit the grass.

"Not fair!" Momo protested crossing her arms. Dahyun had easily landed the grape in her mouth. It goes without saying, Chaeyoung stared at the whole process with heart eyes, especially the part where Dahyun chewed with a grin on her face.

"She thought before throwing it." 'of course she did' Chaeyoung smiled. Dahyun smiled back at her comment.

"I'll do it, open up," Tzuyu kneeled and took a grape, ready to throw it into Momo's mouth. It was not working with that method either. Dahyun started laughing silently, staring at them. Chaeyoung started smiling like a fool staring at Dahyun. A normal day at school.

Sun was out today and the four girls were enjoying their lunchtime outside. Chaeyoung was no longer mad and had forgotten all about whatever had bothered her yesterday, she won't miss any study sessions again. Dahyun was her priority and her agenda couldn't keep getting interrupted by Mina.

Mina. Chaeyoung's stomach felt her thoughts. Whenever it was about the senior, she could feel it everywhere, it needed to stop. So she got closer to Dahyun and intertwined their arms, they were sitting next to each other.

Dahyun supported her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder for s second as if acknowledging the younger's presence.

"It's easy, Momo, just don't close your eyes when you throw," Dahyun giggled. Chaeyoung relaxed a bit. She was overthinking too much these days. Even if she usually does, when she does it's supposed to come to a conclusion and done. But now... 'No, that can't be right' Chaeyoung thought. She was sure she just needed to think a bit more or maybe do some homework and everything will be back in place.

Besides, today was a great day. Only two more lessons left and she had already been planning an epic love confession. She felt she didn't need more lessons but she had already planned it like that, maybe just to make sure she could get the most out of them. For educational reasons. And maybe... 'No, no'

"So, milkshakes later?" Tzuyu covered the sun reaching her eyes with her hand and asked looking at Dahyun and Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung was about to answer, but Dahyun went first, "Chaeyoung can't, she has students' council meeting."

It was maybe a weird thing to feel attracted to, but Chaeyoung felt her heart skip a bit hearing that. Yeah, Dahyun knew her agenda, big deal for Chaeyoung's head.

"So... us three?"

"Oh, I..." And Dahyun kept talking, but Chaeyoung was too immersed in her fantasies about her best friend to pay attention to anything that was being said. And lunchtime was over.

Today was a great day. Chaeyoung was meeting Mina once again after the few weeks of being ignored. The last class was... an experience. Chaeyoung made up her mind, that from now on, lessons must be laying down in a bed, there was no other way around it. Hopefully, today Mina was not going to leave before six. So she was going to ask if the girl needed to study anything or what beforehand.

Chaeyoung's last period today was not a class but her meeting. So she took her phone out and cleared that part of her agenda right before she got inside the meeting room.

It was half the size of a normal classroom, just a few chairs and a couple of round tables. As always, Chaeyoung was punctual, but almost everyone was already there. She liked students council members' punctuality.

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