Chapter 10: I want you

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One thing Chaeyoung adored about the weekends was the time she got to spend with her friends. And mostly Dahyun. Not to mention, she was a bit excited about seeing Angelo and maybe asking him more about how to get back at someone. Not that she intended to act on it, of course.

But Chaeyoung didn't know if he was going so she asked Dahyun before going out while she was doing her makeup. Chaeyoung had not really noticed how she no longer got nervous about being close to Dahyun's lips.

"Details..." Chaeyoung mumbled as she drew a tiny star on Dahyun's cheekbone. "There."

"Thanks, Chaeng."

"So I was just wondering, will Angelo be there today?"

Dahyun sighed leaving the mirror she had been using to check her recently applied makeup aside. "Chaeng, I don't get why you don't like him, but maybe you can try a bit."

Chaeyoung was confused. She had just asked a simple question. She scratched her head in annoyance. Something didn't feel right. "I—"

"I mean it, Chaeng. He is really nice."

"I just—" Chaeyoung was not sure but she got mad. "Whatever."

Dahyun let out a short laugh. "Of course, whatever."

They stopped there, but the walk to the diner was uncomfortable. Chaeyoung hated feeling uncomfortable and she hated even more not knowing why. Usually, she would plainly ask what was wrong. Dahyun, most of the time, was kind enough to explain everything to her and answer her most silly questions. But now, she didn't feel like asking. Maybe it will pass.

So they got there as usual. Tzuyu was already there so Chaeyoung felt slightly better because she got along so well with her.

"Tzuyu, hi," Chaeyoung said and sat way too fast.

Dahyun sat too, next to Tzuyu and not Chaeyoung but this time Chaeyoung did not mind.

"I'm always early," Tzuyu said frowning. "The funny part is that I actually try to be late but to no use."

"Well, that's excellent," Chaeyoung who loved punctuality found that a blessing. "It is way better than being late."

"Of course you would say that," Tzuyu smiled. "What should we get in the meantime? The usual?"

"Bacon cheese fries!" Momo shouted as she walked to their booth and sat all messily next to Chaeyoung. It goes without saying Chaeyoung hates when Momo does that. She tried scooting aside subtly. Momo noticed. "Get here," she said ruffling Chaeyoung's hair, which happened usually and Chaeyoung also disliked but has learned to endure. "No Angelo today?"

Dahyun made a face but answered either way, "Yeah, he is coming."

"Awesome," Chaeyoung said without any other intention than actually meaning awesome but the girls apparently, thought she was being sarcastic. Funny, because she is not really great at being sarcastic.

"Would you stop that?" Dahyun seemed really upset today. "I actually—"

"What happened?" Momo asked sensing the tension.

"I have no idea," Chaeyoung said. "I really want him here. Why would I lie?"

"You do kind of dislike him, Chaeng," Tzuyu said softly.

Chaeyoung wanted to protest. Maybe she hated the fact that he had kissed Dahyun. But as far as Chaeyoung knows, that only happened once, so, she can let that pass. And besides that, she has no issue with Dahyun having a friend.

She did not say anything about it, though. Because just then Angelo arrived there. "Scoot aside," Chaeyoung said pushing Momo out of the booth.

Momo looked at Angelo smiling while inviting him to sit where she had been. "You go here today, apparently."

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