Chapter 3: Boys have it easy

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It is just a coffee vending machine. It's old, it doesn't work well, and some of its lights flicker, yet Chaeyoung couldn't stop staring at it. It has been a couple of days since she had seen Mina. Chaeyoung felt it was almost as if the senior had the power to appear only when she wanted to. They didn't have any reason to meet, but Chaeyoung had started to feel... anxious. So there she was, staring at the coffee machine.

She kept making excuses not to use it. 'it will take my money away, I'll lose the first two tries, that if I'm lucky, I'll look ridiculous, no one uses it' But she didn't walk away. All her excuses were just to avoid the embarrassing truth. Chaeyoung wanted to taste that coffee again. Just a taste.

The bell was about to ring, she needed to decide quickly, but she was miraculously saved.

"Hey, let's go," Dahyun was walking to their classroom and noticed Chaeyoung, "what? You want some coffee? She must have noticed Chaeyoung's wish too.

Chaeyoung breathed out shakily and turned to wrap her arms around Dahyun, who received her gladly, patting her back. "No, it's fine." Chaeyoung knew the coffee thing was just her brain being stupid. But she was feeling some type of way she couldn't name, the only thing she knew was that hugging Dahyun was helping, she hid her head in the crook of her neck and inhale the scent of fresh linen. She knew she was being extra touchy, but she couldn't help it. Dahyun and her have always been fans of being in each other's personal space, but she never thought much of it, despite her feelings, their actions were a natural thing. Now, ever since she kissed that senior, every time she was close to Dahyun she just wanted to be closer. And she started looking for innocent ways of being more close, as she was doing just now.

"I'll get you some," Dahyun said and Chaeyoung moved back a bit to look at her. "I have change."

"It will take you more than one try."

"I'll test my luck for you," Dahyun smiled and fixed Chaeyoung's tie before walking to the old machine. "Let's see..."

Chaeyoung watched her, still feeling weird. She was getting annoyed at not being able to identify this feeling. It was like her breath got taken away every time. Then Dahyun got it on the first try. 'how perfect is she' "You did it."

"Yep, told you, here," she handed her the small paper cup and Chaeyoung could smell the coffee, she felt silly, but she couldn't wait to taste it.

Holding Dahyun's hand from behind she thanked her and they headed to class. Surprisingly, she felt better, calmer now that she could taste the sweet vanilla coffee and hold Dahyun's hand. The feeling dissipated.

"Do you have the tickets?"

"There are no tickets this time," Dahyun answered, in her voice a bit of doubt that Chaeyoung identified as surprise because she should have known there is no need for tickets this time, she did. But she pretended to forget now just to change the topic.

"Right, then, should we go sooner or..."

"It's at eight I think it's fine if we get there a few minutes earlier, this time everyone can go."

"Is she nervous?"

"Totally, I sent her encouraging words this morning."

"You're so considerate," Chaeyoung complimented at the news.

Dahyun smiled and ruffled her hair as they passed through the door looking for their seats. Today it was Momo's presentation, Chaeyoung had it in mind. Of course, she did. It was the first of the semester and it always made Momo nervous. She was the main act of a series of presentations. Chaeyoung wasn't nervous, though, she knew Momo was the best at what she did. It will be fine and she couldn't wait to congratulate her after, they usually got dinner and spent quality time with Tzuyu too. Maybe it is what she needs to get rid of unwanted sensations.

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