Chapter 6: This isn't you

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Five o'clock.

It was five o'clock yet Mina was nowhere to be seen.

Chaeyoung was tapping her foot against the white tile at the west door. She was getting slightly impatient. So much time without any encounter maybe Mina had forgotten punctuality again.

'maybe she is not coming...'

The whole morning Chaeyoung had spent it wondering what could she learn from this lesson. Now that she could actually think about it and not try to forget it filling her agenda with exercise, she was in blank.

What could Mina possibly show her? Chaeyoung was sure it had to be something even better than last time. She really, really liked it last time. What if they could do it again?

'What if it involves other places...' Chaeyoung blushed thinking about it. That could be a possibility, right? She had loved the biting, what it would feel like to bite other places? 'God, Chaeyoung, this isn't you.' It was a mystery to her how she went from never having kissed a girl to being this person that fantasizes about making out sessions with this beautiful girl. And oh, how beautiful Mina was. Chaeyoung couldn't believe she had had the girl sat on her lap, tasting each other's lips, holding her waist, feeling her warm scent and— how? In those instances, with Mina, she felt less of an awkward mess. Maybe because the senior was such a nice instructor. For sure, that was it.

"Guess who?" A soft voice interrupted her barely proper thoughts and two soft hands covered her eyes.

"You're late."

"But I'm here," Mina said and returned Chaeyoung her vision.

"Still, you know this."

"Yeah, yeah, I know you're super meticulous, but I also know you are dying to have this lesson, so you waited."

"So you're taking advantage of my eagerness to learn?"

"Right, you're motivated by educational purposes, I'll keep that in mind." Mina was mocking her, she got that.

"Please do, let's go."

Chaeyoung started walking in fast steps, they had lost a few minutes, and she disliked that. Although, somehow, and probably because of her long legs, Mina walked even faster and passed her. Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile; the girl had been late and now she was in a hurry. Chaeyoung would've trotted a bit to catch up, but she got distracted.

Mina looked so beautiful today. It's not like she had anything different, they all wore the same school uniforms, but Mina made it look stylishly. Chaeyoung had held Mina's hips and waist before, yet only now she thought about how perfect they were. Mina was not skinny nor fat. Chaeyoung didn't care either way, but Mina was somehow making her mentally drool. 'this isn't you, Chaeyoung, is just her bone structure' Yeah, that was it. Chaeyoung had told her before, that she had really good bone structure.

"Come on, aren't you worried about your precious time? We only have 'till six."

Yeah, Mina was mocking her again, but she was right. So Chaeyoung snapped out of it and caught up.

Their walk as usual didn't involve much talking. That, until Chaeyoung remembered something. "So, I believe there's a high possibility one of my parents is home."

"Oh," Mina seemed slightly discouraged.

"It's okay, we'll just go to my room."

"Oh," Mina seemed interested now. "What about downstairs?"

"Well, Dahyun won't be there and... honestly I don't care, I like lessons better in my bed. I mean— uh— Room."

Mina chuckled a bit and fixed her hair. They mindlessly walked faster. Chaeyoung knew she had let out more than she should've but at least Mina didn't question her. The truth is the other night's position still lingered in her mind and body. She wanted Mina on her bed again, as confused as that made her feel.

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