Chapter 4: That's allowed?

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Three days. Chaeyoung had to endure three days to get kisses again. She had accepted she became a fan of them. She could be doing anything and the soft, exhilarating sensation of plump lips all over her face would attack her out of nowhere.

But she was relieved the weird annoying sensation from the past days was gone and if she felt it resurfacing all she had to do was think of the senior's embrace, reassuring kisses against her head and it was gone. Besides, she had started texting her. She wondered at first if Mina minded, but she just did it, and since the girl answered, she figured it was okay. When it came to the senior, Chaeyoung would assume most things rather than give them second thoughts.

The content of their texts was mainly Chaeyoung asking if she really only wanted to see her practice. Chaeyoung was not sure how would that be a good compensation for the classes. But Mina insisted. Texting also helped with Chaeyoung's anticipation.

Friday went by pretty fast but the weekend was taking so long. Not even doing homework helped. Which is what she did on Saturday with Dahyun. They studied and got all their school things done. They usually used Saturdays for that. Chaeyoung enjoyed that time. Especially because it made their Sundays clear and they could do various things, with their friends or just the two of them. Chaeyoung was hoping to spend some quality time with her, mainly because of what Tzuyu had said. Chaeyoung was not sure how Dahyun could think that given she had been trying to be even closer. Maybe she should try differently.

But she let the day pass to make it more natural and ask for plans on Sunday. Wrong move.

"How do I look?" Dahyun had knocked and walked right away through Chaeyoung's door. It was a little passed midday. Chaeyoung was making her bed. She turned to look and her smile formed immediately.

"You are beautiful."

"I know I am," Dahyun said walking closer. "But how do I look?"

Chaeyoung felt a bit silly for having said she was beautiful instead of how she looked but she couldn't help it. Dahyun looked always fantastic in her eyes. Today she was wearing high waisted blue jeans and a striped cropped sweater. It was quite simple, yet it was perfect for Dahyun's body. To top it all, she had her silver hair loose and she was wearing glasses instead of contacts.


"I knew I could count on you to boost my ego," Dahyun smiled and sat in the middle of Chaeyoung's half-made bed.

"Don't do that," Chaeyoung complained pulling from the sheets. Dahyun knew she hated that but she always did it either way.

"Would you do my make-up?" Dahyun ignored Chaeyoung's complaints and didn't move from the bed.

Chaeyoung left the sheets and walked to be right in front of her friend. "Okay," she sighed. She liked doing make up and she did it quite beautifully but it meant being so close to Dahyun's face that it hurt her a bit.

"You're the best," Dahyun said to her as she always did. Chaeyoung liked being the best but lately, she couldn't help but think it was not the right compliment. It sounded too friendly. 'but that's what you are, friends' "Chaeng?" Dahyun called her attention by using fingers under her chin.

That simple action made Chaeyoung react. "Don't do that." She backed away too fast.

"W-why?" Dahyun sounded surprised.

"Sorry," Chaeyoung didn't mean to scare her, "it's just... sensitive area."

"Huh," Dahyun nodded slowly probably wondering how she had not known that after all these years of friendship. Chaeyoung felt silly. "Okay."

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