Chapter 5: People talk

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Thoughts were attacking her mind. Why would the senior ignore her? At least she could say hey, we can't have more classes and that's it but instead, she said she'll let her know. Well, it's been days and Chaeyoung hates things unplanned.

She always has things super organized and it's great. But since Mina appeared, out of nowhere she insists, her plans never seem to take place correctly. It made her wonder if she was doing something wrong, but she was doing everything just the same. Studying, exercising, organizing her agenda, eating well, and being in love with her best friend, everything was the same. Why did she feel wrong? So Chaeyoung got really inside her head.

"Mashes potatoes," Dahyun said disappointed. "Way to ruin a day." She slid the tray to the side and stared at Chaeyoung with expectation, tapping the table with her fingers.

That was all oblivious to Chaeyoung, who was too busy reliving Monday's afternoon events in her head over and over again just to study it as she, in fact, ate her mashed potatoes.

"Hey," Tzuyu said as she sat with them.

"Chaeng," Dahyun tried.

"Uh, yeah?" Chaeyoung finally looked up.

"Was she spacing out again?" Tzuyu asked if it was a normal action already.

"Yes, it's getting annoying, honestly, what's in here?" Dahyun asked knocking Chaeyoung's head.

"Nothing, why?"

"It's Wednesday yet I have no sandwich," Dahyun explained. "Although I'm not saying is your duty, of course not, but I was kind of used to and it worries me because you never forget things... did you forget or just didn't feel like it? Which I repeat, is totally okay."

"Oh." Chaeyoung looked at her phone. It was Wednesday. The food could tell her that much, too.

"Oh?" Tzuyu frowned.

"I mean... yeah, I forgot. Sorry, should I buy you something?"

Dahyun sighed. "No, don't you see? I don't really care about the food just... why did you forget? What's on your mind lately?"

"Yeah, I've noticed too," Tzuyu said. "Is everything okay?"

Everything was just fine. Chaeyoung wanted to believe that. But she was annoyed. It was more than a week since she saw or spoke to Mina. It seemed the senior disappeared as fast as she appeared. How? And most importantly, why? Chaeyoung had been fine just confused but it was okay. Until it wasn't and her patience was running out by the second. She was nervous.

"It just slipped my mind, I guess that happens sometimes," Chaeyoung said feeling bad that that might be her new self. "I'm fine."

"How's your training with Mina going?" The mention of the name so out of nowhere caught her off guard, making her sit straight on her seat.


"Why? I'm just wondering. It seemed a promising activity."

'quite' Chaeyoung thought. "Just... it's okay."

"So unfair," Tzuyu mumbled probably still bitter about Chaeyoung not teaching her.

"I like it, I think it's great you're sharing with other people, you know besides us and Momo. Where is she by the way?"

"Don't know," Tzuyu answered. "I should go look for her."

Chaeyoung heard everything, processing it fast. Why would Dahyun think is great for her to spend time with other people? It bother her in a way but she dismissed it quickly because the mention of Momo made her confused brain come up with an idea. A risky idea.

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