Chapter 12: A tiny problem

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One thing you need to know to understand Im Nayeon is that she is all pretend.

The way she so easily manages the student council? Pretend.

How important her studies and marks are? Pretend.

The love she has for her boyfriend? Pretend.

Nayeon does not care for any of it. Or maybe she does. Way too much. She cares about what others think of her. She cares about how she is perceived. Therefore, she is all pretend. She needs to be perfect and she is good at pretending to be exactly that.

It is rough and messy. Sometimes way too dry and sometimes unnecessarily wet. The hands groped her thighs and she just let it, after all, it did not feel that bad. It was easily bearable. This time the kiss was dry.  Jaeha's lips need some lip balm and Nayeon, unfortunately, was not wearing anything to smooth the kiss. It was a short one, though. They were sitting at the school cafeteria with his groups of friends, so it was mainly a kiss to show off. Although his hands didn't leave her thigh, a territorial move. Nayeon understood that, it came with the pretending. She is a great girlfriend, no one can't deny that.

She was not really listening to the conversation, something about a game, they didn't want her to participate either way, so. She looked away from the table for a few seconds, almost recovering her strength. Then, she got a text.

From SC Yoo Jeongyeon
You could at least pretend you like it.

Nayeon scoffed. She raised her head from the device and found the source of the text several tables away. Jeongyeon raised her brows and shook her head showing disapproval in her acting. Nayeon felt insulted, she was great at this.

From SC Yoo Jeongyeon
You even rolled your eyes.

'did I? must be tired that's all' Nayeon didn't find this amusing. She turned her gaze back to the table and the conversation. Jeongyeon was just annoying.

Jaeha moved his arm and surrounded Nayeon by the shoulders. 'great' she thought. She scooted closer just to improve her acting, after all, she had just got called out. In a second she got another text, she could just look at them because she knew her boyfriend never really paid attention.

From SC Yoo Jeongyeon
Anyway, locker room in 5.

Ah, Nayeon read and deleted the message immediately. But she gave Jeongyeon one final glance across the cafeteria and it was enough to portray a positive answer.

Exactly having passed five minutes, she got closer to Jaeha's ear and whispered, "I have to go now, babe, I'll see you later." She placed one kiss on his cheek and stood up. "See you around guys," she said giving her best charming bunny smile.

"Love you, babe," Jaeha answered and all the guys waved and said goodbye.

It was not odd. Nayeon was, after all, always quite busy. Jaeha knew and accepted that. He gave her a warm smile and turned back to his friends.

He is great. Nayeon likes him, yes. He is good-looking. Quite buff. Nice dark hair. Perfect smile. Popular and caring. In his own way of caring, that is. Like giving Nayeon flowers and chocolates for their dates or you know, those dates being them hanging out with Jaeha's friends while they play video games. It is fine, really. Nayeon has fun with them... sometimes. They all like her at least, and she likes that. They are dumb enough for her to manipulate their weak minds.

Right now, though. She couldn't say she liked this. That's the thing, she doesn't. How could she? No. This is wrong. This is not the right way of pretending. She hates it. Yet, she accepts every time. As dangerous as it is.

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