Chapter 8

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🚨🚓🚨Warning: Smut! Dirty, rough smut!🚨🚓🚨


Sitting in Nico's cabin, waiting for Nico to come back, he couldn't help feeling like he was twiddling his thumbs. He wasn't sure why Nico had run off, and he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The way Nico looked... it could only be bad.
The door swung open violently and Nico was fuming. All at once, Percy was in front of him and holding him, breathlessly begging for an answer. Nico didn't respond, just pushed Percy back and closed the door. "W-what's going on, Neeks?"
"Don't call me that. I want to know how you feel about me." What? "I love you, why would you ask that?"
"Because of that dream! It fucked me up and I just... ugh!" Nico flopped onto his bed and Percy was no more enlightened than when Nico burst in. "You need to back up, Neeks. I'm no oracle, I need more information." And so, Nico told Percy everything. Halfway through, Percy sputtered, "I don't like Annabeth like that! Never have!" That made Nico pause his story. "You guys didn't date?" Three rapid head shakes and Nico's face scrunched up in confusion. "But I thought-"
"Don't think.... It's you. Always has been. I've told you that. There is nothing between me and Annabeth."
"Oh." There was a heavy silence and then Nico scooted closer. "Really?" Percy nodded sheepishly, feeling a blush start. "Hey." Percy met Nico's eyes and there was a connection that sizzled down Percy's spine. "Me too." Percy smiled and then kissed Nico.
It was soft, tentative at first, then Nico climbed into Percy's lap, which made him gasp. Biting his lip, Nico moaned soft and gripped Percy's hair. Damn, Percy liked that, so he groaned, which seemed to encourage Nico. He persuaded Percy horizontal and the kisses got harder and hungrier. Nico's hands were under Percy's shirt and he wasn't sure if they should go further, but he'd be damned if they stopped now.
Nails down his chest made him groan again, but he loved it. Who knew he had a pain kink? "Do that again," Percy demanded, against Nico's mouth and he complied, grinning wickedly. "Good gods," Percy flipped Nico on his back and things heated up. "You're gonna be the death of me..."


Pinned under Percy, Nico felt both turned on and comforted, which was kinda odd, but when Percy tugged Nico's shirt up, he complied. A little self conscious about his bandages, Nico tried not to think about it as Percy rid himself of his own shirt, revealing flat, toned abs and a thin black happy trail. Mm, damn. Percy leaned back down and kissed Nico hard, hands running down his sides. Nico moaned weakly when Percy's fingers traced his hipbones. Hands trembling, his hands went to Percy's belt, unbuckling it and starting on the zipper and button of his jeans. Suddenly, Percy pulled back, leaning on his hands and panting. "What? What's wrong?" Shit, I fucked up...
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Oh. He hadn't thought about that. Was he? After a few seconds, Nico nodded, smiling. "I'm sure, Perce." Percy smiled sexily back and Nico bit his lip. Kissing again, Percy helped Nico with his pants, which he kicked off clumsily. When Nico tried to get his own off, Percy pinned his wrists above his head. "Wha-"
"Shh. Let me," Percy whispered huskily and Nico felt even more turned on. Damn. Nodding, Percy slid down the length of him, kissing skin exposed by the bandages absently, kneeling between Nico's legs. The image when Nico looked down made him grit his teeth. Percy undid Nico's belt and threw it to the side. He noticed Nico watching him and smiled, palming his crotch. Nico's head fell back, moaning at the sudden pleasure. He heard Percy chuckle and his pants were undone and pulled down with help from Nico. When Percy was on top of him again, they both seemed dazed by what was happening, but Nico couldn't care about anything but what it felt like to be with Percy. Rough, nippy kisses were exchanged and Nico clawed at his back, earning him rougher groans from Percy. Then he felt Percy sliding his boxers down and got even more excited. Percy bit his neck and Nico's back arched. His boxers hit the floor and so did Percy's. "Bend for me, babe." Nico wasn't sure, but he set his legs on Percy's shoulders. "Mm, flexible..." His voice made Nico shiver. Gods, he was sexy when he wanted to be... Percy traced a slow path up Nico's thigh, causing him to squirm. He was already so hard it hurt and he wanted Percy to go faster. "Please... just fuck me..." Nico begged. Percy groaned. "I want to, Neeks, but I have to do this." Percy's hand reached his ass and he teased his hole, making Nico squirm more. Suddenly, he entered him, pulling a gasp from Nico. Gods, it hurt. To help, Percy started pumping Nico, mixing pain and pleasure in a dizzying combination. Now he got why Percy liked pain. Then Percy added a second finger to stretch him. Hissing, Nico bit Percy's shoulder, earning him a guttural groan. "Gods, Nico," he grunted and kept stretching him. A third finger in, the sensation started to feel good, then Percy hit a spot that made Nico cry out. Grinning wickedly, Percy abused the spot, Nico writhing under him. "Percy... Percy Percy Percy..." Nico pulled on his hair, hips arching toward his fingers. They were removed and Nico huffed. "Don't worry, you'll like this better."
Pinning Nico's wrists again, Percy teased Nico's entrance with his tip, then plunged in. Both boys cried out in pleasure. Percy nipped and sucked on Nico's collarbones, finding his sweet spot while pounding into his prostate. Nico felt like he was going to come out of his skin, crying out Percy's name at the top of his lungs, only to be shushed by Percy's mouth. "Shh, mi angelo, they'll hear," Percy admonished, pounding harder. "Gods, I don't care. You feel so good," he grunted, wrapping his legs around Percy's waist like a vise. "Tell me that again," he growled.
"Gods, Percy, you make me feel so good. Please don't stop." His thrusts grew sloppy and his bites got harder, making Nico near his own release. "I'm close, Neeks," he grunted as he thrusted harder and deeper. "I am too, gods I'm- Percy!" Nico screamed as he came suddenly, coating their chests and his stomach. His reaction caused Percy to join him, growling and biting and clawing the sheets. Pulling Percy's hair as he came down, Nico's head fell back tiredly while Percy collapsed on him. He hissed, his wounds stinging, and Percy rolled off of him. "I'm sorry, baby, I forgot."
"Baby?" Nico asked, catching his breath. "You're younger and I like calling you baby." Fair enough, Nico decided as he stared at the ceiling for a few moments before Percy pulled him into his chest and held him. "That was awesome," Percy said after a beat of silence. "Yeah, it was, baby." Percy smiled against Nico's hair and covered them up with a blanket before they both fell asleep.

AN: Finally some smut!!! Yay, boy sex! I decided to wait a while before they did the do, and I was going to wait longer than this, but angry make up sex is the best kind! Be sure and vote/comment or whatever, that is if you want to. If it sucks, you don't have to, but I like hearing from you guys so please? Anyway, see you next chapter! -ps16🐙

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