Chapter 23

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I'm dying inside cuz I've never finished a fiction that wasn't shit before holy fuq
anyway, you're not here for my ramblings, you're here for Pernico, so let's get to it!


One thing Percy both loved and loathed about Nico: he was stubborn.
He insisted that he make sure Will wasn't self-harming anymore, and apparently that meant hang out with him all. The. Time.
Percy didn't like it at all.
Nico may not remember the panic attacks Percy coached him through or the tears when he's with Will but Percy does. However, Nico will not budge on the subject so Percy has to deal with it. He will, for his angel, but he doesn't have to like it.

Percy still stayed right next to Nico whenever Will was around, no matter if Nico asked him to or not. Like now, he had his hand entwined with Nico's as Will and the Italian talked about something Percy wasn't entirely following, and he kept brushing his thumb against the skin of Nico's hand absently.
However, Percy tuned back immediately when Will's hand brushed Nico's shoulder and the son of Hades flinched. Instinctively, Percy wound his arm around Nico's slim waist and Nico moved toward the touch. Will saw this and lost it.
"I can't even brush against him by accident but you can hang on him like you're conjoined? How's that fair?"
Percy gritted his teeth to try to contain his anger. It wasn't working. "Because I'm his boyfriend and you tried to rape him! That's how!"
Nico shrunk at the word 'rape', playing anxiously with the sleeves of his sweater. Will was standing now, clenching his hands by his hips into fists. "I've appologized for that!"
"Appologies are for skinned knees. This? No. You can't say 'sorry' and it all be okay!" Percy unconsiously squeezed Nico closer as he said that. Will was about to say something else when Nico screamed, "STOP!"
Both boys froze as they felt the stone table trembling. Percy glanced to Nico and saw the boy's gaze was burning into the stone like he could set it on fire that way.
Slowly, the table stopped shaking and settled. Just as slowly, Nico stood, out of Percy's grip.
"I can't deal with this. YOU," Nico jabbed a finger at Percy, "Need to stop bringing it up. I'm trying to move past it. And YOU," the finger moved to point at Will, "Need to stop with the yelling. Actually, you both do! At least in front of me, by the gods, or you can fuck off! It's your choice but frankly, I'm beyond caring. Get it together or stay the fuck away from me." With that, Nico took off walking to the Hades cabin, leaving both Will and Percy standing and staring in shock after him.
Once Percy got his bearings back, he cast one last look at Will and said, "If you ever touch him again, I'll personally kill you. Got it?"


While he may not have fully understood what just happened, he understood Percy meant what he said and so Will said softly, "Got it," then Percy took off after Nico.

Will knew better than to go after Nico or Percy, so he walked numbly away from the pavillion like a zombie, only stopping when he reached water. He sat in the surf and swallowed a lump in his throat.
He wasn't sure when it happened but Will realized that Percy wasn't going to let Will even be friends with Nico after what he'd done. He'd very royally fucked up.
Despite his best efforts, there was no fixing what he'd done. He didn't understand. What could he do besides appologize and show that he wasn't going to hurt Nico again? What did he want from him?
Will stared at his own knees for a long time before he was struck with an epiphany. He knew what he had to do.


Percy reached the cabin and tried not to panic. He didn't see Nico immediately, but he heard the shower running, so he went into the bathroom.
Nico was sitting, fully clothed, in the tub with the shower running, knees under his chin. Percy couldn't tell if he was crying because of the water, but he had a feeling he was. So he climbed in with him.
Nico moved to accommadate Percy and they say back to front with Nico between Percy's legs. Nico was sopping wet but Percy wasn't even damp. He didn't care.
Nico looked over his shoulder at the son of Poseidon and met his eyes. "I'm sorry," Percy said softly. The smaller boy sighed softly. "It's okay. I know you want to make sure I'm okay, but I'm not a child. I can deal with things myself."
"I know. But I can't believe he has the audacity to push your boundaries like that."
"It was an accident, Percy."
"Still," the man said impetiously. Nico smiled small. "I know."
Percy let himself get wet and was soaked in moments, but he didn't care. It calmed him. Unconsiously, he pulled Nico closer to him and they sat in there for a while. "Please don't yell around me anymore," Nico requested quietly as the water started to get cold. Percy pressed a kiss to the boy's wet temple. "Okay."

AN: ugh sad fluff nuh plz mah hart
I keep saying that but it isn't helping my feels. This is the longest thing I've ever written and it'll be my first finished fic on here that isn't a oneshot
fukin hell my feels plz hold me
I am doing the bonus chapter of fluff after the epilogue so there's that to look forward to
anyways, I shall see you next chapter

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