Chapter 1

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"Annabeth, I don't know what I should do," Percy told the ceiling of the Athena cabin. Annabeth rolled her eyes at him as he sprawled out on a couch, holding his head in his hands. "You tell him, obviously. Seriously, Seaweed Brain, you've been in love with this guy almost since you met him. Now you find out he likes you too and you're all of a sudden 'I don't know what to do.' Well, I know. Confess, Seaweed Brain. I'm tired of seeing one of my best friends all lovesick constantly." She shook her head at him. "And if he rejects me?" Percy sat up, eyes on the blonde on the bunk. "For the longest time, I thought he was into you, and it hurt me, but I tried to stay out of the way. Now, Jason tells me Nico has been into me and I can't help but be confused."

"Look, Percy. I understand what you're saying. But you asked my advise and I gave it." She sighed as Percy continued his internal conflict on her couch. "It's obvious you need time to think, clear your head. How about we go spar?" The blonde hopped easily to the ground as Percy nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

But, as they walked to the arena, Annabeth spotted Nico and waved. Percy blanched. He tried to flee, but Annabeth held his arm as Nico ambled over. "You better relax or he'll know." At that, Percy relaxed with some effort and pasted on an easy smile. "Hey, di Angelo."

"Hey." There was a beat of silence. "Um... me and Percy were going to go spar in the arena. Wanna come with?" Annabeth piped up with a smile. Nico smiled small back. "Sure."

After Annabeth thoroughly demolished Percy in the arena, she ducked off while the boys were talking, leaving Percy to sink or swim (hehe irony). "So, how long are you staying?"

"Just a couple weeks. Then I'm going back to stay with Dad for a while," Nico answered, picking at his nails anxiously. After a moment of Nico not meeting Percy's eyes, Percy knew something was up. "Okay, spill it."

"Spill what?"

"What's eating you." Nico looked up, confusion coloring his features. "I know you well enough to know when something's bothering you. So, what is it?"


"Bull." At that, Nico snickered. Percy was too much of a 'good' kid to full out swear, a fact that never ceased to amuse the Italian. "Really, Percy, it's nothing. Just... stuff." At that, Percy's brows rose. "Stuff?"


"Like... girl stuff?" Please, Aphroditie, let this be true... "Well, not exactly girl stuff..." Nico's eyes dropped. But, Percy managed to not show his elation, instead choosing to act confused. "Is it... boy stuff?" Nico nodded, eyes on the ground. "...Does he know?"

"No. He only sees me as a friend. But it's okay." Nico shrugged. "I kinda figured nothing would happen between us." Then the Italian paled. "I mean me and him, not... us." Percy bit back a grin at his uncomfortableness and nodded. "No, I know." After a beat of silence, Percy gathered what courage he had and asked, "Can I know who it is?" Nico's eyes met Percy's, then went back to the ground. "I don't want anyone to know yet. Not until I've figured out what I should do. Sorry," Nico mumbled the last, fiddling absentmindedly with the zipper on his bomber jacket. "No, I understand." But the way that Nico responded to his question only confirmed in him that Jason had told him the truth. "Do you want to talk it out? Sometimes it helps," Percy offered, leaning down somewhat to catch Nico's eye. Once he did, Nico flashed him a small half smile. "Kinda."

"Okay. So what are you thinking?"

"Well, I want to tell him outright, but I'm no good under pressure."

"I highly doubt that. You're great in battle." Nico chuckled lightly. "Battle's one thing. Talking to your crush is a totally other universe."

"Point." Percy smiled as they slowly drifted to the commons to sit. "Well, how about getting someone else to tell him, then talking to him about it once it's out in the open?" Percy offered, feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. He knew it was him Nico liked and here he was, helping Nico figure out how to tell him something he already knew. But this way, he knew when the matter would be out. Nico sat on the grass, hugging his knees and obviously chewing the thought thoroughly. "That isn't a bad idea but who could I get?"

"I'll do it," Percy offered, Nico looking up and shaking his head roughly.

"No you can't!" Percy cocked a brow at him. "And why not?" Nico's mouth snapped shut. He knew why, but he wanted Nico to say it. "You just... can't." Percy almost pushed again, but he knew if he did, Nico would clam up even more. "Fine. What about Jason? Or Leo?" Nico brightened. That was something that he had never seen Nico do. "Yeah. Leo. But then he would broadcast it across the camp."

"Well, it would be broadcast when you got with him."

"How do you know he'll like me back?"

"Are you kidding? He'd be crazy to turn you down." Percy then shut his mouth really quick, lest he say anything incriminating before Nico was ready. "Glad you have faith." Then Nico stood abruptly. "I better go tell Leo before I lose my nerve. I'll see you later Percy." Then he dissapeared off to wherever it was Leo was.

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