Chapter 22

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  AN: nuh we're nearing the end! only two more chapters then the epilogue
nuh imma cry my babes nuh
not to worry tho, shant be all sadness. I might do a bonus fluff chapter after the epilogue so stay tuned my lovelies. Either way, on with the chapter!


Since Nico had found Will's cuts, he's been doing everything he can to make sure Will doesn't do it again.
Percy doesn't like it one bit, though. They've fought about it more than once.

"But he hurt himself, Perce!"
"He tried to rape you, Neeks. How does that not matter?"
"I can't let someone hurt when there's something I can do about it."
"He should hurt. He hurt you!"
"That doesn't matter-"
"It matters to me!"

While Nico didn't like fighting with his boyfriend, he couldn't let someone else suffer the way he did, no matter what they did. Percy said he was too soft on Will, and maybe he was right. But he wasn't going to let someone hurt theirselves because of him. He'd never be able to sleep at night if that happened.
However, that didn't mean Nico and Will were buddy-buddy with each other, either. Will couldn't come into the cabin, which he said he didn't understand but respected, or touch Nico. That he understood but he still made it clear he didn't like it. Nico didn't care. Just because Nico didn't want him to die doesn't mean he wants him to touch him.
Whenever they hung out, Percy was right there, which gave Nico enough comfort to be able to be around Will.
Will seemed to like being able to be around Nico again and that was enough for Nico. The blonde had stopped with all the brooding serial killer vibes and was starting to become his old self again.
However, Percy still hovered around them, and shot Will glares whenever he made to touch Nico unconsiously. This helped a lot in Nico's mind and he was able to slowly get over what happened between him and Will.
Maybe it was screwed up to hang out with the guy who tried to... do that to him, but screwed up was better than having the death of said guy on Nico's conscience. So he dealt.

AN: sorry this is a short little filler but shit is going down next chapter and you needed to know the situation between Will and Nico at present.
before you say, 'WAI TEH FUQ IS NICO HANGING WITH HIS RAPIST?!?!?!?!?' this is a plot point. ik ik I get it. but you'll see shortly. I promise.
See you next chapter!

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