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"thank you so much!"the male patient said while bowing to Seohyun

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"thank you so much!"
the male patient said while bowing to Seohyun. the male reached into his pocket, with a slight whimper out of pain, grabbing ahold of some money. He handed the money over to her. she
"no no, thank you but-"

"no please take it, you saved my life."

"I'm only doing my job"
Seohyun said with her lips raised in a shy smile, gently pushing the patients hands back towards them.

the patient bows once more before watching Seohyun walk away to the next room. before entering Seohyun took a deep breath in, preparing her lines to say to the patient then-

"oh shiT"
a male said as he bumped into Seohyun's shoulder. she gripped onto the wall and watched as none other then jaemin fall to the floor with a thud.
"good job goof head.."
she said looking at all the papers that had scattered across the floor. she reached her hand down and helped him stand up before grabbing the papers.

he said rubbing the back of his neck, looking everywhere but her. She laughed and ruffled his hair, handing him the papers he dropped before turning around walking into the next patients room.

Jaemin covers his face with his spare hand while mentally screaming as people were looking at him confused.
"at least once a day I embarrass myself don't I"

the day had come to an end, day shift workers were leaving as the night shift workers entered. Jaemin held tightly on Seohyun's hand as the weather had gone freezing with the cold night air.
"my hands are going to fall off"
Jaemin mutters under his breath ever so quietly. Seohyun heard and laughed at him, holding his hand back before shoving their hands into her pocket. The two walked home together since they lived in the same neighbourhood, besides it was night time and who wants to walk home alone at night?

the two breathed out heavily, slightly shaking as goosebumps covered their necks. The cold night breeze was only getting more cold and the two had the only option to walk faster and closer together collecting each other's warmth.

arriving to the neighbourhood quicker then usual due to their fast walking they stopped at the corner where they go seperate ways.

"could I stay over at your house tonight?"
she said looking up at him. He let go of her hand and wraps his hands around her body comfortably. He pulled her close to his body and hugged tightly while thinking.

"I don't think so, tonight I have to study and I think my parents are coming over tomorrow before work so I'll have to clean.. let's have a sleepover sunday night?"
he says bringing their faces close together getting ready to kiss her goodbye.

she hums in response, her lips dropping sadly along with her head. He seemed to notice and kneeled down a bit lower to look her in the face. 

"I wish we could spend hang out after work.."
she says in a low quiet voice. barely audible due to the howling winds.
"you know I'm busy with all these assignments Seohyun.. trust me when I'm finished with this university course I'll be able to spend all the time in the world with you!!"

She smiles at him lifting her head facing him properly. leaning in, she gave him a quick kiss before pulling away.
"bye bye~"
she sung happily before spinning on her heel turning around walking away from him.

"get home safe!!"
Jaemin shouts after her, watching as she ran across the road. she laughs and looks back to him yelling "you too!!"

they wave goodbye to one another before Seohyun continues walking and Jaemin starts running home. "it is freezing oh my god"
he kept saying as he ran, his breath becoming fog in the night sky.

entering his house, he slammed the door shut - mostly because of the wind - only to hear someone stand up behind him.
another males voice says as Jaemin turns around. Making eye contact, Jaemin stared at the male. the latter's eyes disappear with their sweet smile.
"long time no see"

"long time no see"

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