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chenle and Seohyun stood still, hugging each other tightly while talking to each other

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chenle and Seohyun stood still, hugging each other tightly while talking to each other. Soon enough Seohyun noticed a tall boy holding a frisbee looking confused.

Seohyun pulled out of the hug and pointed down towards the tall boy. Chenle cracked into a small laughter before the two of them started running down the hill at top speed. Chenle almost crashing into the tall boy as Seohyun managed to stop herself in front of the boy.
"hey jisung"

jisung stared at the girl slightly shorter then him, his eyes widened in surprise before her carefully placed his arms around her, hugging her. His jaw still dropped as the two comfortably hugged and Chenle stood next to them laughing at Jisung's reaction.

"Seohyun? you're back? I knew you and Jaemin were good again but I didn't know this."
Jisung muttered to himself, still unable to comprehend Seohyun was back. they missed her, a lot. even though they hadn't been around each other for a long time. They all grew close to her in such a short amount of time.

"I'm here with my friend, Daeshim. We came for the event. I didn't think I'd see you guys here."

"you didn't want to see us?"
Chenle said with a small pout as he took a small step backwards. Seohyun immediately shook her head, while waving her hands up.

"no no I didn't mean it like that-"

"calm down i'm joking~"
Chenle exclaimed with a large toothy smile, leaning his arm on the taller boy next to him.
The taller boy shoved the boy off him, earning a glare from him. Jisung focused his attention back to Seohyun.

"where is your friend?"

"to be honest.. I don't know. He disappeared after the ride."
Jisung nodded and looked back towards the carnival. At that moment Seohyun earned a text from Daeshim. She quickly looked at the text and sighed in relief.

"we can help you look for him?"

"he just messaged me, he is fine. he just felt sick so he left the carnival go get fresh air. he said he is walking by the lake."
Jisung and Chenle nod, standing awkwardly still. Jisung was wondering if he should go get Jaemin or not, wondering if they should see each other.

"well I'm going to go for a walk. y'know, enjoy the sunset. I'll see you guys another time~"
the two boys pouted towards the girl, holding her arm not wanting her to leave. She laughed and pulled them in for a group hug, before pulling away and walking away.

Chenle and Jisung started running as fast as their legs would let them, running towards the boy sitting on some grass looking towards the water.

"Jaemin!! Jaemin!!"

the black haired male titled his head upwards towards the two boys who were running towards him at top speed.

they halted their running right in front of jaemin, almost falling over but catching themselves.

"we just saw seohyun!!"

Jaemin's eyes widened, staring at the other two boys in disbelief. He quickly got onto his feet, standing tall as he looked towards where the boys ran from.

"she went that way, I think she might be going to the park over that wa-"

Chenle's words were cut off by jaemin's footsteps, as he sprinted towards that direction. Chenle screamed some supportive sounds such as "WOOO" "AYYYEEEE" "YEEEEAHHHHH"

while Jisung stood next to him, embarrassment rolling onto his face, turning red as he quickly turned around walking away covering his face. Almost instantly being followed by a boy laughing hysterically.

The sunset was almost upon the sky. the sky was mostly clear with the occasional clouds across the pretty sky. not a single one blocking the sun, it was a perfect sky as golden hour hit the land below.

Jaemin continued running along the paths towards the park, earning stares from passing people. Jaemin finally arrived to the park, trees surrounding the main path way with a playground in the middle. He came to a stop, staring into the park, looking everywhere.

It was empty, no one was there. everyone was either at the carnival or walking there. Jaemin slowly started walking into the park, his head turning continuously as he looked for her.

his eyes soon enough landing on a the back of a girl wearing a black crop top and blue jeans, a purse slung over her body. Her hair trailed down her back, her hands running through it carefully as she flicked it back out of her face.


Jaemin called out, his words barely audible to even him. The girl had no reaction, just continued walking. Jaemin gathered all his courage and yelled out her name.


the girl froze. slowly turning around instantly earning eye contact with Jaemin. Seohyun smiled at the boy who stared right back at her with widened eyes and a smile slowly growing on his face.

 Seohyun smiled at the boy who stared right back at her with widened eyes and a smile slowly growing on his face

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