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the eight young adults slowly started speaking to each other comfortably again without the awkward tension

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the eight young adults slowly started speaking to each other comfortably again without the awkward tension.

seohyun didn't say a single word, yet she listened to the conversations with full focus on them. understanding the dumb jokes and what everything they were saying meant.

their laughs filled the room with happiness. deep within her she felt like she wanted to laugh. chenle soon started laugh louder than he already was. his loud scream like laugh hurt everyone's ears but only made the situation a bit funnier- at least to Seohyun.

her lips raised into a gentle smile as she felt happiness run throughout her body. the gentle smile turned into a quiet laugh as she covered her mouth out of habit.

Jaemin had already had a small smile on his face but as he looked to his side towards Seohyun, his heart only rose up as his heart beat increased with more happiness.

Seohyun looked over to Jaemin who was staring at her with his eyes glistening, smile getting wider. Her smile widened and she choked on her own laugh. It was liek the moment stopped, they stared into each other eyes with their deep stares, smiles never leaving each other's faces.

the other boys soon realised and then, too, smiled wider seeing the moment in front of them.

"we are hopeless romantics."
haechan said under his breath, catching the five other boys attention to him. they only agreed and laughed it off.

the two who were confused about their relationship, sat with honest happiness across each other's faces.

"you are smiling.."
Jaemin soon whispered quietly under his heavy breath. it felt like the world was healing seeing her finally having an emotion again. And as if this moment wasn't going to last forever, he cherishes this moment with everything inside him.

"I guess so.."
she says, trying her hardest to keep the smile on her face, but it was slowly falling down as she was mentally fighting herself for losing grip off her emotions.

why can't my emotions stay?
she asked herself. hating the feeling off not having her emotions under control. she felt herself only being drained down as she slumped back into her seat.

her emotions had completely disappeared into thin air within a minute. she was stuck with the feeling off nothing again.

the males noticed but forced themselves to keep the smiles across their faces. they continued making jokes, the area remaining as a comfortable place.

Jaemin and Seohyun made their way to his bedroom after the breakfast, considering they both needed to rest. The two walked in silence while Jaemin held onto her shoulder as gently as he could to help him walk.

she cut herself off and wrapped an arm around his back, under his arms to help him walk a bit better. he hesitantly wrapped an arm around her waist, careful to not hurt her in any way, not knowing where her injuries exactly were.

"you can still touch me you know?"
she says looking at him as she wondered why he was so hesitant. maybe because their relationship was confusing at the moment. Jaemin looks at her with a dirty smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. she just looks away from him, almost choking on her words.

"not— not like that."

Jaemin giggles evilly and caresses the side of her waist with his thumb.
"I'm just joking around~"

They entered Jaemin's room and Seohyun closed the door behind them to block out the bright light from the hallway.

Jaemin went to his desk and changed the LED lights to red before sitting down in his desk chair. He spun the chair around from the desk and watched as she went to his bed and laid down, resting her head on his pillow.

he said with a gentle, quiet voice as he slowly stood up from the chair, deciding he will join her on the bed.


"can we cuddle together?"

seohyun slowly nods her head and the two of them decide to lift the blankets up and over each other, before moving closer towards each other.

he rests his hand on her waist as they laid on their sides, facing each other. she start feeling comfortable with him close to her. bringing all past moments back into her mind, remembering how it was an amazing relationship of trust and affection. suddenly his words from yesterday appeared in his head.

"I'll protect y-you-"

his words were beyond sincere. everyone is the whole world could tell. but she still felt uncomfortable with the fact he is in the mafia.
maybe I just need time..

the blanket covered them from head to toe, as they hid under the covers. The red light from the LED lights peered through the light blanket. Their bodies right against each other. careful to not move in order to not hurt one an other. their faces centimetres apart, she felt his heavy breath against her lips ; fanning them in a soft manner.

"I love you"
his says with a hoarse voice. his lips smiling as he stares deeply into her chocolate coloured eyes. she stared into his eyes as well, her facial expression becoming softer and less tense. a slight smile appears on her face as she tucks her face under his chin, hiding her face in his chest.

 a slight smile appears on her face as she tucks her face under his chin, hiding her face in his chest

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I had to give you guys some fluff after everything that happened :)

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