Nicole walked on the road in the neighborhood where there were houses on both sides of them.
If Saturn wanted them to go here, then where would the necklace be? And if Saturn knew were all of them are then why can't she find them all herself? Then her thoughts were interrupted with a vison of her in the woods and in front of her was a tree stump with a hole and something gray glowing in it. Another necklace! Nicole thought but before she could look inside it, she was back in reality with cloey looking at her; her eyes filled with concern.
"I know where to go," Nicole told her sister. "In the woods..."
"the woods?... uh...okay?" cloey sounded confused.
"I think I got a vision of where it may be from Saturn"
"I'm happy that Saturn is helping us"
"I know, I'm just as relived. I didn't want to do this alone."
"we should start looking then."
"right." Nicole agreed. "where are the- "
"oh! there!" Nicole looked over to were cloey was pointing. To the left was a couple of houses but pass those lay the woods.
"okay, let's get going"
Right away cloey started running towards them. "cloey stop!" "you'll get hurt!" but cloey just kept on running and looked behind her to look at Nicole as she ran through the woods. Nicole ran after her, but it was too late. Nicole saw cloey trip into a bramble bush
"Cloey?!" Nicole yelled "cloey? Cloey are you okay?!"
Cloey got up as Nicole approached her. Cloeys arm had a huge cut and was heavily bleeding.
"I cut my arm on that branch there." Cloey pointed at a sharp branch from the bush. It must have cut her arm when she fell.
"ha! I thought I heard voices" rasped a voice Nicole didn't recognize. She looked around behind her and saw a man with a ripped up brown t-shirt and some dirty jeans and a scar that ran along his forehead to his nose. He also had brown eyes and dirty blond hair.
"had quite a fall there eh?" said the man.
"yeah," cloey replied. "Nicole, we need to go home and take care of this. What if- "
"Nonsense," the man retorted. "nature can heal as well. I know a herb that will fix it up and ease the pain more than anything else can! Follow me."
Nicole hesitated for a moment. Can she trust this dirty probably 20-year-old man? was he plotting something? But she put that on the back of her mind and her and cloey followed this strange man down the slope to a trail. Cloey needed help and if this man was telling the truth then cloey would be safe.
As they were walking along the trail the man stopped then turned to look at them. "here, these plants are called yarrow," the man was pointing to a patch of white flowers bundled up together with green stems and leaves. "the leaves help with pain and they also stop bleeding."
The man picked off one of the leaves and gave it to cloey.
"what do I do?" she asked
"chew it up and spit it on the wound" the man retorted.
Nicole thought that was disgusting but she saw a spark of amazement in cloeys lime-green eyes. Nicole didn't trust this man. If this made cloeys wound even worse, she wouldn't be too scared to show this man that she could fight.
Nicole noticed the man staring at her curiously. "the names scar." The man told her. "the name given to you?"
"uh, Nicole" she replied. "and that's my sister cloey." She added pointing to her sister.
"she has a lot of energy, doesn't she?"
"Yes" Nicole spoke loud enough so her sister could hear. "she never thinks, and she always gets herself into trouble" Nicole added glaring at her sister but cloey just stuck out her tongue then looked away. Scar watched with amusement.
"she will learn" Scar reassured her. "and I know all about the woods so if something happens come straight back to me. You'll find me here, just yell my name." he added.
"what are you doing out here anyways?" scar asked.
Nicole wondered whether she should tell him about the necklaces and the sky warriors but before she could say anything cloey spoke for her. Cloey explained everything to him and scar looked very interested. "I think I know were one is." He said. "I think I saw one in a tree stump."
That was the one in Nicole's vison! She remembered. "please take us there." she told him.
"I'll be glad to do so." he responded.

The Forgotton Stars
Mystery / ThrillerThe stars will fall and may be forgotten forever and only two sisters can save them. Are they up for the dangerous journey that lies ahead?