Nicole was floating in the dark stary sky. Am I flying? She could see earth below her.
"hello" spoke a voice Nicole could not recognize. She looked behind her and saw a ghost of a boy. He looked her age. Her vision was a bit blurry she could not see what he looked like "you are dreaming." He told her.
"I can see that." she responded bitterly."Who are you anyways?" she asked him.
He drifted closer to her. She was able to see him better. He had short brown hair and eyes. He looked so calm and he smiled at her. She felt so safe.
"My name is Nightlight. The son of Moonlight. The guardian of all the stars." He spoke so safely.
As he spoke Nicole felt a tingle she never felt before. She felt warm, safe, like everything was going to be okay. She loved his voice. "why am I here?" she asked him. He smelled like lavender. It soothed her.
"I wanted to show you where the next necklace is. I also wanted to congratulate you on making it so far Nicole"
Once he said her name her stomach flutterd. "thank you" she smiled at him. He smiled back.
"Now, Im going to give you a vison of where venus is" he covered her eyes.
She closed her eyes and saw her mother at home. She was wearing the necklace. She was crying in her room on her bed. Her father was next to her trying to comfort her mother.
"I miss them so much sage. I wonder where they are. Will they ever come home" her mother sobbed.
"I'm not sure dear but something tells me wherever they are, there okay" her father reassured her.
"mother I'm right here" Nicole's heart ached. She missed her mother and she was starting to regret leaving her behind. Maybe I should have told her. She could be here with us right now and cloey and I would feel so much safer. But she probably wouldn't believe us. The thought saddened her.
"She cant hear you darling" she heard Nightlights calming voice.
"I miss her" she whispered not trying to hide the pain in her voice.
"I know sweetheart but you will be able to see her soon" Nightlights words softened the pain she felt in her chest.
She opened her eyes and saw Nightlight gazing at her. He smiled. She couldn't help but to smile back.
"Nightlight. Im so worried. If we get back and my mother sees us she will be pissed." Nicole explained. She thought about her mother yelling at her and her sister for running off and doing something she wouldn't even believe. She shuttered. What if we got caught trying to steal the necklace?
Nightlight seemed to read her thoughts "Nicole my love everything will be fine. you'll see" he spoke calmly.
Love? Nicole reddened. Is that what I feel? Am I in love?.
Nicole woke up and saddened. In love with a ghost? Is there even a way for us to even be together? She sighed. i already miss him.
Nicole looked outside the cave and saw some pink in the sky. The sun must be rising .
Cloey and scar were both still asleep. Nicole couldn't get her mind off of Nightlight. Hes all she could think about. When her tried to think about anything else her mind always wanders back to him. He made her feel so happy. A feeling she's never felt before a feeling she couldn't describe. Love.

The Forgotton Stars
Mystery / ThrillerThe stars will fall and may be forgotten forever and only two sisters can save them. Are they up for the dangerous journey that lies ahead?