Chapter 5

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Cloey was in her sisters room staring at the neckless she found." Do you think it's true? Do you think sky warriors really exist?" she asked.
"I'm not sure" Nicole admitted "but remember what Coal told us? We can bring her here to speak to her." Her sister reminded her
Cloey wanted to summon the sky warrior coal and bingo were talking about. It would be amazing to talk to a sky warrior and awaken the stars to tell us a prophecy. "we should bring Saturn here!" cloey said "I mean just imagine"
"yeah...." Nicole said but she didn't sound convinced to summon her.
"come on! It's the only way to see if it's true or not." Cloey tried convincing her
"maybe." Nicole looked at her sister and her eyes brightened. "okay. Let's do this"
Cloey felt so much excitement. They were about to talk to a sky warrior-maybe. She watched Nicole hold the neckless in her hands and closed it. She took a deep breath and said "Saturn" at first there was nothing. Then the neckless started glowing in her hands. Nicole freaked out then let go of the neckless and it fell on the floor still glowing. Then a white blurred figure of a person stood in front of them. After a while it was clear to see.
"do not fear, young ones." a calm wise voice said. Cloey looked over and she was much more clear. She had a white dress and was wearing the neckless. She also had green hair and wearing a white skirt. Cloey looked into her green eyes and she had some pride in them.
"you are the ones." She spoke. "I am the sky warrior Saturn. I am your protector" that must have been why cloey and Nicole have felt so safe with the neckless. "you have to wake the other warriors. Be brave. Go find the other necklaces and talk to the stars. They need you. I must go now. We will cross paths again soon."
"wait-" but Saturn left and cloey couldn't ask her were to find the other necklaces. Nicole looked at her.
"this is real cloey. They must be wrong. Why would it be us?" she asked her.
"I don't know.... but... know we will be safe because she will be protecting us. Right?" cloey asked Nicole.
"I hope so." Nicole hoped.
"I don't know where to find the other necklaces" cloey admitted "should we looking near the lake again?"
"think!" Nicole said "why would the hide all of them at the same place? They want us to be more wise and strong. And for that they would hide the in different places. Oh, I just hope there not hidden all around the world"
"I don't think they did. They know were not that strong and have that much energy "cloey reassured her.
"do we really have to do this?" Nicole sighed
"if we want to save the stars, yes."
"but what do stars have to do with us?"
Cloey shrugged. "I'm not sure. But I feel like we should do this. It might be really important."
"fine." Her sister finally agreed. "but if it's too stressful I'm out of it!" cloey didn't like that Nicole didn't think it was so important They were saving the stars! How could she not be happy about it.?! Just then cloey realized that this was going to change their life. Their life will never be the same again.

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