dodam | 143

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italic - flashback

tw // death


"Yedam..." Doyoung called out the guy he have loved his whole life, since the day he stepped into this world, he have loved the man in front of him.

"yes, love?" Yedam replied in a wary state

"Can you tell me stories of us until I fall asleep?" Doyoung asked while hoping for his other half to agree to his needs

"It's already late but yeah, sure" the older smiled remembering all the times he have been with the person in front of him, the person he's willing to protect forever.

He paused for a minute thinking where their relationship started, where all those butterflies started tickling their stomachs.

"Remember when we first met when we we're still in our diapers?" he said making the both of them giggle remembering all those moments to be cherished

"We used to always hang out with each other cause our parents were either always together or always busy with work" yedam continued,

"Doyoung-ie, meet Yedam-ie" Mrs. Kim lovingly said to his one year old son,

"Get along well, okay? You guys will be stuck with each other now" she joked which created a happy atmosphere in the Kim's abode.

"We didn't get along well in our first few meets"

"Yah! Bang Yedam! Don't steal Mr. Tofu!!" the five-year-old Doyoung shouted, chasing the six-year-old Yedam around their house.

"Mr. Tofu doesn't like you! He likes me more!" Yedam stucked his tounge out, teasing the now almost crying kid in front of him

"Just give him back! I don't care if he doesn't likes me! Just give him to me!" Doyoung pleaded,


"I remember when we went to the same middle school we always fought with each other or make faces when we would happen to meet paths" Yedam laughed,

"Yedam, do you remember that time you pooped your pants while we were grocery shopping?" Doyoung teased,

"Oh really," Yedam replied, clearly not impressed.

Smirking, "Don't you remember that day when you cried at the dentist because they didn't have your favorite pink lollipop?"

"weak comeback, damie." Doyoung dismissed his rebutt, hiding his embarrassment. Now smirking proceeding to pat the latter's shoulder

"next time, don't eat tons of fried chicken before grocery shopping" winking, clearly pissing off Yedam.

"Then when we were in 11th grade, you were always pissed off cause there were so many girls fangirling over me" Yedam once again laughed at the memory

"But little did you know, I was also pissed off too cause half of the students in the school probably had a crush on you, and they would always leave you chocolates and such" he continued,

"Bang Yedam!!! Your voice is really great! Can you sing a song for me?" a girl said with puppy eyes trying to flatter the guy,

"Sorry, he can't. He only sings for me" just as Yedam was about to reply, a familiar voice replied for him, making the girl leave the two alone.

"Doyoung?" clearly shocked as to why the guy was now all the way in his department

"Yes?" Doyoung asked in obliviousness

"What are you doing here?" he said while looking out for Doyoung's fangirls since he remembered how crazy those girls can get

"I-" and just like that high pitched sounds of females were now heard out in the corridor.

"Quick, hide!" Yedam shouted in fear, grabbing Doyoung's hand, finding a place to hide in the music room

"Doyoung oppa! Where are you?"

"Doyoung-ie oppa?!"

"Yah! Are you sure he's here?"

"Who even said he was here??"

"Let's just go, maybe we were tricked again. He's nowhere to be found"

Yedam peeked out his head looking if they were now safe to go out, putting his head back in when he saw there were still some of his fangirls outside.

Not noticing how close the two are right now, he faced Doyoung who is also looking at him.

Staring at each other's eyes, they both saw their own reflections in one's orbs. Melting at how beautiful the younger's eyes are not noticing that the two were just soulfully staring at each other,

Comfortable silence, just two souls who are silently in love.

"hey, has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" Doyoung was pulled out of his trance and felt shy at the older's words

"yours too" Yedam smiled,

"That was also the time we confessed to each other and promised to love the other till death" Yedam said,

"Kim Doyoung, I love you so much, till my last breath, I'll hold onto our promises and dreams. We'll fulfill it,"

tears were now uncontrollably running down his cheeks as he saw the man he loved so dear lifelessly lying down on his deathbed.

as nurses and doctors were rushing in his man's room, trying to do their best to atleast revive the younger. he couldn't help but continue crying. he felt so helpless, it felt like his world became dull, cause the one who colored his life is now gone.

"time of death, 1:43 am" the doctor announced

"I never pictured fulfilling our dreams alone"

"you're selfish, love"

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