adam | besties

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"Does water expire?" Yedam suddenly asks him in the middle of eating lunch in the cafeteria.

"I don't know, Yedam. Just eat your food." Asahi questions himself why of all people did he like this man, one of his bestfriends.

'because he's like that, that's why' Asahi answers himself in his own train of thoughts while chewing the last piece of meat.

"Hey, are you doing anything after school?" Yedam once again eagerly asks him,


"Nothing. You know just hang out or something" Yedam tried reasoning out only to fail finding the right words

"Your mom is home?" Asahi remembers the brute doings of Yedam's own mother to her very own son.

His mom is alcoholic, and whenever she's at home she does nothing but drink all day 'til she passes out.

And whenever she gets too drunk she starts getting out of control later on affecting her own child but he never heard her apologize to him.

Even if she was sober, she'd physically harm him without any reason. And Yedam never said a word against her, he loves his mother that much because she is all he got.

"Yeah..." Yedam looked down disappointed at how he could be easily read like a book for children. The story is too boring but enough to make the elders interested to storytell it to their children.

"Let's go to my house then" Asahi purses his lips understanding his situation.

Yedam mouthed a thank you and Asahi stood up to throw his garbage away.

"See you later then" Yedam bid his goodbye as he walked his way to his next class leaving Asahi to go to his own as the two had different classes in the afternoon.

Boring hours of teachers blabbering about things they don't even have the will to learn passed and Asahi stretches as he stood up to pack his things ready to go home.

Almost forgetting about Yedam, he quickly went out of his class to go to him but was only surprised to see Yedam already standing outside waiting for him with his book bag hanging on his arm.

"Let's go?" Asahi just nodded and started walking out the school premises, feet in sync as they walk pass by dozens of students walking or some just talking to their friends.

As they arrive at Asahi's abode Yedam took his shoes off and aimed for their couch and sat there like he lives there.

Well, technically, he kinda do as he has spent most of his time here in Asahi's house to the point his parents have already treated him like their own child.

"So, what shall we do?" Yedam sat straight fingers tapped in a wave like motion as he thought of things to enjoy while being in Asahi's company.

Not gonna lie, he does have shame and sometimes get shy when he's at his place but Asahi has always made him feel welcome and it made him feel a little better. Not like his own home that doesn't even feel welcoming at all.

"Let's play Nintendo" Asahi suggested after plopping himself down across the couch Yedam is seating.

"Nah don't have the urge to play video games today" Yedam declined and started to think of things to do when an idea popped into his mind.

"Your paintings!" Yedam queered that made Asahi confused and raise an eyebrow. "My paintings? What about it?"

"Let's paint?" Asahi timidly smiled at his idea as he has been bugging him to teach him how to paint.

"Sure, I'll go get the things. Wait here" Asahi ran up the stairs before Yedam could even speak a word.

Yedam's eyes wanders around the oh-so-familiar living area, a tv mounted on the wall and couches adjacent with a coffee table at the center. It was simple yet cozy, enough for his likings.

He roamed his eyes once more and saw an unfamiliar picture frame, it looked like it was newly placed there. He approached the shelf where the picture frame was placed and reached for it.

He smiled as he noticed it was him and his family. A bittersweet smile seeing Asahi as a young joyful kid yet jealous in a way he wanted a childhood like his.

"Yedam?" He looked behind and saw him walking down the stairs hands full of painting materials. He hurriedly approached him and offered to help carry the stuff he was bringing and placed them on the coffee table.

"What will you be painting?" Asahi asks after arranging the paint and paint brushes in an orderly manner.

"I don't know? I don't even know how to paint" He replied which earned a small laugh from Asahi.

"Here," Asahi offered him a paint brush and asked him to think of a picture he wanted to paint.

The two started painting their own pieces and was awfully quiet from concentration. They were in their own worlds not noticing how time had passed when Yedam suddenly sneezed causing them to break out of their unconsciousness and laughed.

"What did you paint?" Yedam eagerly asks as the two are facing each other, canvasses hidden from the other's view. He waited for him to turn his painting around and when he did he was surprised.

"Hmm, I guess someone I've been admiring from a far." Asahi said looking at his own painting, not making eye contact with his friend.

"He's precious to me but I've never had the courage to you know... confess." Asahi mustered up all the courage he had in his body to say those words.

"Is that me?" Yedam stunned, asks with his finger pointing at his own self.

"Yeah" the other simply replied nervous as to how he'd react.

"Oh, I don't know what to say..." Yedam trailed off oblivious to how Asahi is sensing bad news.

"I'm sorry" Asahi stayed silent fighting the urge to let the tears go, he's heartbroken.

He wanted to cry everything out but he couldn't, he didn't want Yedam to pity him. All hope went down the drain in just a snap.

Maybe he should've never confessed? Where did he even get the thought of risking their 10-year friendship? Thoughts came flooding in his mind making it harder for him to stop himself from letting the tears go.

"I hope this won't ruin our friendship because I only just see us two as, well, friends. We're better off as friends." Yedam bitterly smiled, nibbling on his bottom lip as he also thought if he should continue what he's saying.

"...And I like your bestfriend."

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