dohwan | a promise

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“Junghwan! You clearly cheated!” Doyoung raises his voice annoyed at how he lost at a game they're playing.

“What do you mean? You were clearly trying to distract me so I could lose! You were the one who was cheating!!!” Junghwan defends himself remembering how Doyoung kept teasing him with snacks he loved.

“It's not my fault you get easily distracted by food!” Doyoung fought back and grabbed a pillow next to him and started a pillow fight out of frustration.

“Junghwan! Doyoung! Go to bed already and stop fighting!” the both of them stopped in their acts when they heard Junghwan's mom shouting from downstairs.

They both looked at each other and blinked before making faces at each other and laughed like never before.

The two sat down at the couch getting comfy as they still have a lot of energy and are nowhere near drifting away to dreamland.

“Hey let's make a promise” Doyoung says out of nowhere, a random thought that came into his mind.

“Sure what is it?” Junghwan replies before opening a bag of chips

“Promise me, we'll stay by each other's side, no matter what happens.” Junghwan just nodded as a response, his eyes saying that he has not heard a single word of what Doyoung said, basically getting distracted by the bag of chips he is enjoying.

“Junghwan! Are you listening or not?” Doyoung nudged him and sulked at how the latter just chose a bag of chips over him.

“Yeah! ...what?” Doyoung pouted after Junghwan 'cluelessly' replied to him. Looking away, he crossed his arms and was about to get up from the couch when Junghwan broke the silence.

“Sure, no matter what happens.” Not expecting his reply, Doyoung looked back at him wondering if he really heard what he said or is he just playing with him.

“I promise you we'll stay by each other's side, no matter what happens.” Junghwan said and raised his pinky finger to make a pinky promise with him as Doyoung smiled. As the older was supposedly about to lock their fingers, his hand went the other way and grabbed the bag of chips he also has been wanting to eat.

Junghwan just laughed at him happily enjoying the almost finished bag of chips. He took a breathe and leaned forward to grab Doyoung's hand.

His fingers brushes against his while his finger traces its way towards the latter's pinky. Junghwan smiles at him as he locks their pinky fingers together.



“Still remember me?”

“No, who are you?” Junghwan says in a joking way that earned a small smirk from Doyoung.

“Hmm, the one you promised to marry years ago? I wonder what happened?” Doyoung smiles in a teasing manner remembering the same words Junghwan locked in a pinky promise back when they were still younger.

“Let me make a promise too.” Junghwan heavily breathes before facing Doyoung who was eating chips, attentively listening to the younger.

“Promise me when we grow older, maybe in our late 20's, our 30's or maybe even in our 50's, promise me we'll marry each other if we don't have anyone in our hearts.”

Doyoung raised his eyebrow at the weird promise but he didn't find it intimidating rather he found it amusing of the younger's small acts showing fondness of him.

He has known for a while already, maybe a long while, of the younger's feelings towards him. At first, he was scared maybe even wondering how it all started, but he never even once thought of not reciprocating his feelings.

He might even feel the same way. It was just that he was waiting for Junghwan, he wanted to hear it from his voice, the words that comes out of his mouth and not the one from Doyoung's mind.

“It's been years, Hwan. I heard you're still not seeing anyone?” Doyoung flashes a teasing smirk seeing how Junghwan's ears are burning red, complimenting the not-so-light tint of red on his cheeks.

“I...” Junghwan trails off, his mind beating himself up for being unable to spit out even more than two words. Right then and there, Junghwan knew that he knew he still has the same feelings for the latter.

“I heard you went out with multiple people?” Junghwan finally said a sentence, remembering the time he met an acquaintance of theirs who told him about how Doyoung's life has been ever since.

Doyoung chuckles, “Don't worry, I was just trying to find my happy ending, I guess?” he paused.

“But it wasn't a success, so I came back to you — or fate brought us two together again.”

He looks up noticing Doyoung sticking out his pinky, “Let's fulfill both our promises together?” Doyoung genuinely smiles, the same smile that made Junghwan feel like everything will be okay, the same comforting smile that is willing to be with you throughout your bumpy road.

He honestly has never thought of anyone else other than Doyoung to fill that empty spot next to him in a car ride, the one who will be there to watch scary movies with him, the one who'll go grocery shopping with him and they'll both look in wonder at each other as they are both clueless in what to buy. And the one who will be there with him until his last breath. He has found no one but him, Kim Doyoung.

He intertwined his pinky with his', sealing their love of promises. “Promise.”

“How has life been?” Junghwan opens up a conversation to catch up with him.

“Fulfilling, I guess?” He looked at Doyoung, motioning him to continue with his words.

“I've achieved my life long dream to become a choreographer. I already built my own dance studio too.” Doyoung proudly smiles looking back at his accomplishments. It has been his dream since he was young to have his own dance studio. He just loved dancing, it was his escape to life. Just feeling the rhythm in your body and swaying along to the beats.

“How about you?” the two continued to catch up with each other's life story knowing their love story would begin there.


Hi! How's your day? I hope you're doing well everyone! _dbdbdb this is for you hope you liked it ^^

Thank you for reading this I appreciate your votes and comments a lot!!! It motivates me to continue writing ♡

Have a great day ahead~

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