harudam | bake with me

613 27 6

"Since when did you start baking?" Yedam confusingly asks Haruto who's wearing an apron and mixing ingredients in a bowl.

"I don't know? When I was a child? I was bored then my mom told me to help her in baking then it suddenly became my hobby." He replied then cracked 3 eggs into the bowl then started mixing it again.

"What are you baking by the way?" Yedam asked before sitting on the chair.

"Cupcakes! I'm bringing this to Junghwan later, he told me he was craving some." He said then asked Yedam to grab the box of milk in the fridge.

Yedam then stood up and walked towards the fridge to get the cold box of milk that was still full.

"Oh, did you buy groceries? This still looks new." Yedam asked before closing the fridge and handing the box of milk to Haruto who is busy mixing stuff.

"Yep. We ran out of milk and other stuff so I went to the grocery store earlier." He said then grabbed a measuring cup to pour in the milk.

"You're working hard, Ruto. You should rest sometimes." Yedam patted his head that made Haruto smile sweetly. He sat back on the chair and just watched Haruto mix ingredients.

Yedam got bored by watching Haruto's hand going in circles, working hard in mixing the wet and dry ingredients together so he grabbed his phone in his pocket and started scrolling away.

"Do you want to try?" Haruto said out of the blue.

"Hmm? Try what?" Yedam looked up from his phone.

"Baking." Yedam paused and thought for a moment. He smiled and nodded yes.

Haruto gave him an apron, the two were matching. Yedam washed his hands and rolled up his sleeves to avoid getting anything dirty.

"So what do I do?" Yedam asked, seeing Haruto grabbing a tray and some cupcake liners.

"Here, place in this much amount to all of these." Haruto said placing an eye-balled amount of cupcake mixture into a cupcake liner.

Yedam grabbed a spoon and scooped up some of the dough and placed it into the cupcake liner next to the one Haruto filled up with cupcake dough.

They continued doing that until all ten of the cupcake liners were filled. Haruto then opened the oven which was already preheated then placed the tray inside for it to bake.

"Let's make the icing while we wait." Haruto initiated then Yedam just nodded and followed his lead.


"The cupcakes are done!" Yedam shouted as he heard the oven making a doorbell-like noise. "Let me see!" Haruto opened the oven and grabbed the tray. But what he forgot is how hot the tray is and he wasn't wearing any gloves.

Haruto screamed in pain after touching the tray. Yedam got alert and saw Haruto accidentally burnt himself.

He quickly ran to him and carefully grabbed Haruto's hand and turned the faucet on with cold water and let it ran down onto his hand to soothe the pain.

"What happened?" Yedam softly asked while still holding his hand under the cold water.

"I forgot to wear gloves..." Haruto pouted. Yedam faced him properly and notice his eyes we're getting teary.

"Does it hurt really bad?" Yedam tilted his head and Haruto just nodded as a response.

Yedam didn't know what to do since he's the worst when it comes to comforting people. He just decided to do what he sees in movies.

He side hugged him. Hoping it would somehow take his mind off the burning feel on his hand.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Yedam broke the hug and turned the faucet off.

"No need, the cold water helped." Haruto smiles. Yedam then leads Haruto to sit on one of the chairs on the island table.

He grabs a towel and some ice and sat down next to Haruto and reached for his hand.

"This might be a little too cold but it should soothen the burn." Yedam wrapped the towel with ice on the burnt area and held it in place. He's technically holding Haruto's hand with the both of his'.

"Oh, Junghwan can't have any of the cupcakes..." Haruto suddenly remembers that made Yedam laugh.

"You're seriously thinking about that big baby when you're here hurt?" Haruto just nodded.

Yedam laughs at how unbelievable this guy is. "Alright, I'll finish those cupcakes." Yedam stated that shocked Haruto.

"Do you even know how a piping bag works?" Haruto asks.

Yedam blinks at his question.

"No..." He scratched the back of his head that made Haruto mentally face palms.

"I'll just tell Junghwan to order some cupcakes." Haruto laughs that resulted to Yedam laughing too.


Requested by Sally_hannie Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day! ^^

Also happy 1k reads ♡ Thank you so much! I'm not good with words but I never really thought this would reach a thousand, but hey we reached it! Thank you! I really appreciate it<3 Ily!

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