sukhoon | dream 2

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"Uh, I don't know if it's the right time to ask this," Hyunsuk said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, sure go ahead" Jihoon replied, thinking how this must be about why he suddenly left.

"Why," Hyunsuk paused trying to form a sentence without crying in front of the man that left him

"Why did you leave" He continued,

"Was I not giving you much of my time?"

"Were you tired of me?"

"Did you..." Hyunsuk paused, scared of asking

"fall out of love?" Jihoon finished his question for him.

Hyunsuk slowly nodded and looked at him with teary eyes, realizing that his intuition was true and he did fell out of love.

"I did." Jihoon said letting out a deep breath he has been holding in. He looked at the older and saw that his eyes were waiting for him to continue.

Looking away in front, "We were both busy, busy chasing our dreams. Too busy we even forgot about us, our relationship. We both fell out of love, Hyun. It wasn't just me." Jihoon reasoned out.

"What do you mean the both of us?" Hyunsuk said, oblivious of the fact that Jihoon was saying the truth

"Our dry replies, us losing time for each other, we barely saw each other. It all lead to the both of us losing the spark." Jihoon said, trying to calm down as tears were threatening to form as he remembered how hard he tried holding onto their relationship.

Hyunsuk slowly stared into space, realizing everything, that the both of them indeed fell out of love, not just Jihoon.

Reminiscing the times wherein he used to always tell Jihoon how his day went, even telling the smallest details. But he gradually stopped.

When he started his day with him and ended it with him. But it slowly came to the point where he started his day by himself and ended it with himself.

"We lost time for each other, you with law school and me with med school. "

"I'm sorry for leaving you without a word" Jihoon said those words he has been wanting to get off his chest, feeling guilty of the heartbreak he caused to the both of them.

"But I guess it was for the better. We've now achieved our lifelong dreams" Jihoon continued,

"I hope you're happy now, my hyun" Jihoon smiled

"I will be, thank you" Hyunsuk said, smiling a little at the nickname Jihoon used to say when they were still together.

"For what?"

"Nothing" Hyunsuk said, the both exchanging small smiles

Silence engulfs them once again, minds thinking of the same thing. Minutes passed, the two are still in complete silence

Making his mind up, he gathered all his courage to say something "Hey, this might shock you but—"

"Can we start over?" Jihoon cutted the older. Hyunsuk covered his mouth in shock, earning a laughter from the younger.

"Are you serious right now?! " The lawyer said in disbelief,

"Yeah," The younger simply replied, nervous at the older's reactions.

"I still love you, you were always the one. I promise I won't ever leave your side again, I'll be with you through every challenge you face." he continued

The two smiled, "Let's make new memories together, Ji" Hyunsuk said in a happy tone.

"Memories that'll never be forgotten." Jihoon replied, smiling at the thought.

"So, what's your name?" Hyunsuk suddenly said,

"What?" confused at the older's words,

"Nevermind, your humor is still bad, gosh" Hyunsuk rolled his eyes and looked away

"Hey! It's better now than before!" Jihoon defended

"Oh really" He said, not believing the younger

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