sukhoon | dream

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"Suk, will you go to the reunion tomorrow?" Yoshi asks, inviting himself inside Hyunsuk's office

"I don't know, I still have lots of paperworks due" he shrugged, typing things onto his computer.

"Hey, just go. You've been stuck inside your law firm for how many months, it's time for you to be free for some time." Yoshi reasoned out, having a point.

Ever since Hyunsuk started his own law firm, which he has dreamed of ever since he started law school, he has never stepped out of his building. He would usually either be found in his penthouse, the coffee shop, the courtroom, or his law firm. Talk about being a workaholic.

Giving some thought to it, he realizes how much time he has been spending inside his office, analyzing cases, doing paperworks and such.

"Okay, I guess, I'll try to come" he said, hating the fact that he just easily gave up like that, but it was a benefit to him since he'll be out, not thinking of those pending cases, just having time for himself and having fun.

"Nice, that's more like it. See you tomorrow" Yoshi bid his goodbye and went out of his office happily knowing that his bestfriend is finally going out somewhere other than his office or the courtroom.

Hyunsuk sighs, continuing his work, trying to finish some things so he can worry less about work tomorrow.

The next day comes, now driving to where their college reunion is held at. Holding the steering wheel tight feeling nervous at the fact that he doesn't know whom from his batchmates will come and what if the man he has been avoiding is there too.

Parking his car, he gets out only to be greeted by his bestfriend, Yoshi.

"Didn't knew you would actually come," Yoshi snickers, which made Hyunsuk let out a small laugh

"Come on, everyone's inside already" the two walked inside to the venue where he can see familiar faces. One of which he never wanted to see which made him rethink his choices of joining their annual reunion.

As they enter inside Yoshi getting their attention to let them know that the great Choi Hyunsuk who never attends their mini reunions has come.

Earning a few greetings of 'hellos' and 'how are yous' and a very heavy gaze of a man, he returned their gestures by telling them the old-fashioned 'I'm doing good'.

Nonchalantly seating down next to his bestfriend not realizing that he sat across a man he has been wishing to never cross paths with again.

Looking up meeting those pair of eyes he has once loved. Those same pair of eyes he wished he could just stare at forever and those same pair of eyes he wished to never meet.

Hyunsuk who panicked at the sudden eye contact with the younger now chanting curses in his mind looked away to focus on something else, suddenly wishing for this day to be over.

His actions resulted to a laughing Park Jihoon which he thought the older's actions were too obvious.

"Hyunsuk, long time no see." a cheerful familiar voice spoke, making the older pour his full attention to the man seated in front of him.

"Yeah, long time no see" he replied, not wanting to make the conversation longer but the other insists. Not knowing how everyone's attention diverted to the two ex lovers.

"How have you been?" Jihoon asks, trying to maybe catch up with his past lover.

"Good." He cuts their conversation short not wanting to converse more with the younger.

He'd lie if he'll say he doesn't miss the man in front of him. Actually, he still has no idea why they broke it off. The two were doing so well, both in relationship and career. He just doesn't know where it went wrong.

Including the fact that the two never had a closure made everything worse for Choi Hyunsuk. Sleepless nights full of wonder on why their relationship drifted off. Days of daydreaming on what could've happened if the two just fought longer, if they just worked it out. He has been hopelessly loving an ex of his.

Just like what they say, time runs fast when you're happy. Well, it looks like Hyunsuk was enjoying his time with his past batchmates playing games and other things they all enjoyed.

"Hyunsuk," A voice called out,

Hyunsuk turned to look at whose voice it was and was greeted by a tall man wearing a denim jacket. Park Jihoon, the man he loved so much he didn't even left some love for himself.

Surprised at the sight he is seeing, still not replying, just staring at the man.

"Hyunsuk?" Jihoon called out for the older again, which pulled hyunsuk back to reality.

"Uh, yes?" voice slightly shaking, mind still processing that he's talking to this man, the man that left him. Recalling their last proper conversation three years ago where the two ended their four year relationship.

"Can we talk?" Jihoon asked politely, hoping he would understand what he means.

"We're already talking" Hyunsuk said trying to act cold, hiding the crumbs of feelings he has for the younger.

"I mean, outside, let's talk outside" Jihoon once again hoped the lawyer would get his message.

"Okay." Hyunsuk simply replied, still not knowing what they have left to talk about.

"It's been years, how have you been? " Jihoon talks as they arrived outside where there were less noise and people

"I'm fine," the lawyer paused,

"How about you?" He asked the question he was not able to say earlier.

"I'm doing well... " Jihoon trailed off

"I'm now a doctor, I graduated med school already and got my license" He said trying not to sound boastful as that's what people mistakenly hear him as.

"Oh, good for you. You've achieved your dreams." Hyunsuk geniunely smiled, proud at how the latter has finally achieved his dreams he usually talks about giving up on.

"How about you? Your dreams?" Jihoon asked, eager to know how well Hyunsuk is doing.

"I've graduated law school as you know, and uh... months ago I just got my own law firm" he said, reminiscing about how he only dreamed about having his own law firm.

"Wow, you've achieved yours as well. I'm proud of you" comfortable silence drowns their conversation. thinking about the days where the two used to say 'let's achieve our dreams together' but guess fate never wanted the last word...

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