doshiho | café

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"Goodmorning!" Doyoung cheerfully greeted the not-so-happy Mashiho who looks like he just woke up. Messy hair and unironed clothes, looks like it was a busy morning for him.

"Were you running on your way here? You look... tired" He says after examining the guy's state.

"None of your business." Mashiho dismissed him and went ahead inside of the practice room. Meanwhile, Doyoung, he became worried for the latter.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet? I can drop by at the cafe down the street. My treat." Doyoung offered but unfortunately was given a cold shoulder. He frowned as Mashiho doesn't usually decline his offers for breakfast.

Is something bothering him? He thought

Doyoung walks away and heads outside to go to the cafe he's been going to ever since that day.

Mashiho walks inside the small building filled with scents of coffee. It's paradise for him. The strong aroma of caffeine that keeps him alive and awake. It's like his daily vitamins that keeps him going.

He went to the barista and ordered the usual. An americano with a slice of mousse cake as a side.

Sitting down, he looked outside and noticed that droplets of rain was starting to pour. He smiled.

Coffee and rain. A combination that he adores.

And it just so happens that a guy who hated rain came running to the café to take cover until the downpour stops.

"Mashiho hyung!" a familiar voice called out. Turning around Mashiho sees a guy he's trying his best to avoid.

After that confession of the latter, he didn't knew what to feel nor to expect. Was he hating it? Was he liking it? He doesn't know.

He wanted to understand his feelings before facing him again. It's a nightmare for him how a small confession could mess up with his mind all week long.

"Oh. Hi, Doyoung." he greeted but in a not so cheerful way.

"What did you order?" Doyoung tried to open up a conversation with him just to break the ice between them ever since his confession.

"The usual." there it is again. The cold weather somehow came flowing in to this small heated coffee shop.

"Is this your breakfast?" Doyoung once again asks, praying to every gods and saints that Mashiho would say something longer than two to three words.

"No. But I eat breakfast here often." Mashiho got the courage to speak sentences.

"Really? You should invite me sometime! If it's okay with you..." Doyoung trailed off, remembering their situation.

"Sure." Doyoung's eyes widened in surprise when Mashiho agreed.

He shyly smiled knowing that Mashiho just agreed to having breakfast with him here.

"But why are you eating cake this early?" he asked concerned at how he ate a serving of sugar first thing in the morning.

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