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Chapter 1 - Roomies

❝You did a really great job

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You did a really great job.



The girl laid on her bed, her legs crossed as a laptop stood on her thights. She was wrapped into a thin blanket, leaning on a pillow as she stuffed her mouth with a handful of popcorn.

She quickly placed a hand over her mouth as small laughs left her mouth. As she did so a piece of popcorn slipped down her throat, making her choke. Violent coughs followed as her hand seeked for the water bottle on her nightstand.

Chugging down half of the bottle, a breath of relief left her mouth before she looked for another video she would watch but before she could play the video there was a knock on her doors.

"Just a moment!!" The girl yelled out as she removed the device off her legs and put the bowl on the nightstand. Her steps were quick but silent as she made her way towards the doors, opening them right after.

"Oh hey, what's up?" She smiled at the guy standing at the doors before her eyes fell onto a too familiar girl. "Well, you got yourself a new roommate." Taeyong said, making the younger gasp.

"Wait, what?!" Mari mumbled before opening the doors even wider, allowing the two to enter. "Areum will be staying with you for a while. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't! Like, I was craving company, honestly! Welcome Areum, I hope we get along." She smiled at the younger girl before pushing Taeyong out of the room.

"I roommed with Johnny some time ago but he moved to room with Jaehyun and Taeyong so the bed is now empty. You can sleep there or if you want I can move! Just let me know what makes you more comfortable."

"I'm honestly fine with anything." Areum spoke up and Mari clapped her hands. "Okay, there's also a closet for you to use." The girl said before opening the doors of an empty closet.

"The bathroom is there." She pointed at the doors near her bed and the other girl nodded slowly. "You can also use my laptop if you want to. I'm currently watching some vine compilations and other stuff.

If somethings about me bothers you just let me know. Uhm, what else?" Mari mumbled before looking around. "It's fine, Mari, was it?" The older quickly nodded her head before Areum continued.

"I'm glad I'm rooming with someone I know, ish. But first of all I'd like to get some sleep. Tomorrow you can tell me more about the rules around here and we can get to know each other more, okay?"

"Yeah, sure! Have a nice sleep! I'll bring you some food from dinner in case you wake up in the middle of the night and decide to eat."

"Alright, thank you." Areum said before putting her backpack on the floor and zipping it open. She then took out a pair of loose shorts and a hoodie which she quickly put on and moved under the covers before turning towards the wall.

Mari stood with pursed lips for a while before leaving the room and walking towards the dining room.

"Hey, didn't you get a new roommate today?" The male voice rung through the girl's cellphone and she hummed slightly. "Yeah, she's asleep right now."

"Oh it's a girl?" He asked and she nodded her head even though he couldn't see her. "Yup. But I don't think she's one of us." Mari looked at the girl on the bed next to hers before looking back at the screen of her laptop where a video was playing.

"But let's not talk about her, it's not nice." She said, quickly changing the topic. "How are you?" The girl asked, making the older laugh. "I am fine. I'm on my way to meet up with some friends."

"Yeah, glad you're being social."

"I'll go now, talk to you later ugly."

"Yeah, love you too hoe." A small laugh left her mouth as she ended the call and placed her earphones back into her ears, trying to catch up on what's happening in the video.

After realising she doesn't understand what's happening she decided to return the video to the part where she stopped paying attention and rewatch it all.

Some time later she heard shuffling next to her, making her look in the direction of the sound. "Oh, you're awake?" The other girl nodded as she reached her hand for the plate of now cold food before digging in.

"Yo, this is so good." Areum said as she stuffed her mouth with more, making the older girl laugh. "Don't choke please." She said between laughs and the other just shook her head.

"Living with a shit ton of cousins, not to mention they're all male, it's survival time. You've got to eat fast so they don't eat it all and let you starve to death."

"That's- That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" Mari grimaced at the thought. Yeah, she lived with the pack filled with a bunch of wolf men but never did she have to battle for food.

"Yeah- No. I mean it. Once when I was fifteen I had to go take a piss right when lunch was and they ate it all before I came back. I didn't eat anything that day. It was a pretty snowy time and we couldn't go to the store so yeah. We had nothing on us that I could eat."

"That's horrible, what the fuck?" The older replied as she scrunched up her nose in disgust to which the other just shrugged. "Yeah, that's men for you."

"You know, I've been living with the pack for a few years now and all but there's not a chance a situation like that would happen."

The room fell silent for some time as Areum placed the plate onto the nightstand. "Well, I'm going to sleep now because I've got work tomorrow early in the morning."

"Alright, good night, sleep tight." The younger girl said with a small smile before Mari turned off the lights and turned her back towards the other. "Night Areum."


Renjun will appear soon, I promise😩✋🏻

For those who come from Celestial, we will see more Mari x Areum moments than in the other book so don't worry😌 we're also going to get a backstory on Areum's stay with the pack hehee

But if you're not coming from Celestial then go read it!!! The book will make more sense that way and the other two books won't be spoiled that way😟‼️

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