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Chapter 11 - Lies

❝Empty all your thoughts, Fade away

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Empty all your thoughts, Fade away.❞


A yawn left the girl's mouth as she slid down from her uncomfortable work chair, her feet hitting the bottom back of her desk. "Finally finished organising these papers. At least the desk looks cleaner now."

"It's fantastic Mari." Sapphire replied to the tired girl, making her feel a bit more at ease. Sapphire and Mari had a close bond ever since Mari's first shift. Of course it's obvious every werewolf would have a close relationship with their wolf seeing that they're almost literally the same being.

But Sapphire is a big part of Mari's life, she's been with her through a lot. While she put a facade to all those around her, Sapphire was the only one that truly knew what was happening inside her head, all her pain and suffering.

The bigger part of the girl's childhood was a bad memory, her not wanting to have any correlation with these anymore. The stay at her birth house causing her to have restless nights filled with nightmares but again, she faked her smile and acted like nothing's wrong.

She had to.

For Areum.

"Hellooo?" A voice made her flinch from her drowsy state as her body halted up in her seat. Laughter filled the air after seeing the look on the girl's face, the male figure placing a hand to cover his mouth. "What's so funny Dickhead?" The girl mumbled before pushing a hand through her hair to untangle the edges.

"I was literally calling out for you for past five minutes at least. You seemed to be deep in thought, what's up?" Renjun asked, leaning onto the desk as his dark brown orbs stared into her honey like ones.

To say he was whipped for her was an understatement.

His action made her flustered but she couldn't stop herself from staring right back at him, getting lost in his eyes. Mari felt a strange source of comfort in his presence, somehow forgetting her so called hatred towards him, feeling a pull towards him.

But she knew this wasn't right, immediately breaking the eye contact before anything else could happen. What could happen? Oh Mari what are you even thinking about? She thought to herself, almost slapping her forehead as her thoughts once again clouded the reality.

Her sudden movement made the boy look away too. He didn't know how or why but he felt the need to know more about her. He never felt like that around anyone, he was never the one to initiate a conversation, so what's changed now?

Realising she had yet to reply, Mari cleared her throat before faking a smile. "I wasn't really thinking about anything special. Just resting my brain after all this work, I guess." A laugh escaped her lips as she felt disgusted by herself, carrying on the lies.

The lies she had been keeping for years now. But she couldn't stop. She couldn't bring herself to pour her heart out to someone. Someone other than Sapphire.

And he knew that it was a lie but decided not to push it, not to make her distance herself from him. "Alright, if you say so." Renjun replied, clicking his tongue against his cheek. "Uhm anyways, here's the papers." Mari handed him the papers before getting up to stretch and walking over to the pile of boxes with a label 'Draco's' on the side.

"You don't have to help me. Just take some rest, okay?" The male said, taking the boxes from her grip and slowly walking towards the van. The girl stood speechless. "He knows you lied to him." Sapphire's voice rung through her head. "How would he-"

"He's our mate, of course he does."

"Saph you can't say that until we have some kind of a bond thing, he's not a werewolf." Mari said as she walked back to her seat, her eyes drifting to the clock on her phone. Ten more minutes until her shift is over. "And besides, there's no way he knows. Not even Seonghwa can see through my lies."

"So, how was the run?" Renjun's voice rung through the empty warehouse as he took the last boxes off the floor, moving them towards his vehicle. "It was good. Saph is really doing a great job."

"Don't you- or Saph- get tired from running so much?" Somehow the mention of the wolf's name coming from him got her all warm inside. Was Sapphire right? Is he really her soulmate? But even though everything was pointing at that, she couldn't bring herself to accept that fact yet.

Pushing her thoughts aside, the girl shook her head. "Running comes in handy when you need to vent, if you get me. But honestly I wasn't out for a run the whole time, something came up- with the pack."

Another lie.

"That's alright. You can join us some other time." A sincere smile formed on his face as he pushed himself away from the desk which he was leaning on for a while now. "I've got to go back now. See you!" Renjun said as he ran off towards his van. "See you!"

After closing the doors he leaned back onto the seat, pushing a hand through his hair. Why does her presence make me feel this way? And why do I keep coming back to her? He let out a groan as he turned on the engine, driving away from the warehouse.

The girl's gaze remained on where his vehicle once stood as an feeling unknown to her crept through her body. A feeling of guilt eating her up for lying to him. But why now? She never felt like this before.

A sudden buzz from her body made her flinch as her head turned towards her phone. Her hand slowly reached the phone before pulling it up closer to her body.


hey bestie i was at
your place with seonghwa
earlier and saw your stuff there
so im here to check up on u

everything okay with ur pack?
ik you wouldn't come back that easily..

yeah everything is alright with the pack dw

then why are you back home...

is this some kinda interogation?

I have no obligation to tell you where i am
what i'm doing and why.

I'm sorry... i thought, maybe
you wanted to talk about it

look yu i've gtg now my shift is over

ill talk to u some other time, i'm not
in the mood rn

that's alright, stay safe mari<3


I don't know what kind of inspiration hit me last night while writing the first part of the story lol but i hope u enjoyed

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