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Chapter 15 - Feeling



A loud sigh sounded through the house as the girl walked inside, throwing her keys onto the coffee table before closing the doors behind her. She took a look around and after realising the house really is empty, she threw herself onto the couch.

"I should go back to the pack house." Mari mumbled to herself, her voice muffled by the pillow under her head. "It's your choice." Sapphire replied to which the girl just hummed.

"Honestly I'm too lazy to pack my stuff again, but it's so lonely without Areum. Which, by the way, reminds me that I should text her and check if she's alright, after what happened yesterday."

"Yeah you do that." Sapphire agreed before the girl flipped and is now facing the ceiling. She quickly fished out her phone from her back pocket before unlocking it.

What she didn't expect was a message from no other than Huang Renjun. "What?" Mari whispered to herself as she opened the unread message.


5:26 pm

hi u okay?

7:47 pm

Well um idk why I've sent
that i just had a feeling that i
should text u idk whats up

but you ain't replying so I'm
kinda worried, pls text me when
you see the message:(

9:03 pm

yooo holy shit sorry for not
replying, i was late for my shift
so i had to stay longer:/

I'm fine tho haha, you feeling
better now?


i just had a gut feeling that smt
bad would happen so i texted
everyone if theyre alright:(

yeah dw im fine:)

But like, I haven't seen you around
for a while, what have you been up to?

loool yeah

i spent more time with my friends while
my mom came over and took care of
dracos so i havent been getting orders

oooo she mustve been coming first shift
time because i haven't given anything
for Draco's in a week😔☝️

yeah, she just wanted to get rid of the
traveling and shit, but I'm coming
tomorrow:D you better come to work on
time then

yeah don't worry about that, i always do

yeah right, should i quote what you've
said like five minutes ago?🤨

i had my reasons

yeah ik, im just joking around

yeah, i realised

hows areum btw?


yeah shes great, amazing, she's
just having the time of her life rn
yep, she surely is mhm

shes uhm, sleeping rn haha


I gtg now, hyuck just texted me that
he'll come over to eat:d

Yeah, yeah, bon apetite

see you tomorrow;)

yeah, see you haha

"What the fuck?" The girl mumbled to herself before switching the app and dialing Areum's number. "Hello?" A voice from the other line spoke up, bringing a smile to her lips.

"Hey Baby, how are you?"

Mari is currently at her work. There's nothing for her to do at the moment as she accomplished to deal with all the papers the night before. Her feet slowly moved across the concrete floor as she started spinning on her chair lazily.

"Yeah, no." She said soon after, stopping the motion as her vision started swaying a bit.

"Take care of the place while I'm gone." A sudden voice sounded through her head as she leaned back in her chair. "HEH?!" The girl yelled out as she stood up in shock, making the chair fall back.

"Hello?!???" She thought but got no reply, realising it's a random conversation her soulmate had, without any chance of her replying to their words. A sigh left her mouth as she lifted her chair from the floor and sat back down.

"Did you just hear that?" Mari asked her wolf, earning a small giggle in return. "Yeah, it's our soulmate."

"Yo Saph, that's our first interaction, well partly, with our soulmate. I feel like- it's like- wow! Saph, we have a soulmate! We can find them!!"

"What got you all happy?" A sudden voice snapped her out of her thoughts as the girl looked up at the person standing in front of her. "Wha- When did you come here?"

"Like, just now. I entered then saw you smiling like an idiot so I decided to check what's up." The older male said before leaning onto the desk on front of the girl. "Nothing." She quickly replied, flustered by how close his face was to hers.

"Saph, just told me a joke, that's it."

"Saph must be great at telling jokes then, You've been working here for like half a year or more and I ain't ever seen you smile like that. Hell, I ain't ever seen you smile in general."

"I mean- She's a part of me, we must share the same humour."

"Nah, not really."

"Shut up, he doesn't need to know that."

"Yeah? Well, I don't care what kind of jokes she's telling you but she should do it more often because your smile is beautiful." He said before a smile made it's way on his lips, making the girl even more flustered.


"Well, I should hurry up. I left Hyuck to take care of Draco's so I hope it won't be in ruins when I come back." Renjun said as he quickly moved away from the desk, walking over to what seemed to be his orders.

"Y-Yeah, that definitely wouldn't be a good thing." Mari stuttered out, mentally cursing at herself for doing it before she quickly typed something into the device in front of her and printed a few papers.

She stamped the documents before signing them and handing them over to the boy who wrote down his name. "Thanks." He said before placing the pen onto the documents and carrying the boxes outside the warehouse.

"Bye Mari!" A wide smile played on his lips as he waved at the girl who slowly returned the action. "Bye Renjun." She said even though her voice was nothing above a whisper as she stood mesmerized by his existence.

"Girl, you're whipped."


Shes definitely whipped😔☝️


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