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Chapter 10 - Run

❝I run, run, run

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I run, run, run. I can't stop.


"Areum!! Your bae is not a king anymore!" Mari's voice rung through the house as the younger came running towards the couch where the other was seated. "What?! How do you know?" A grin stood on her face as she crossed her arms. "I got my own sources."

"Renjun?" Areum asked with a raised brow and the other quickly shook her head. "Hell no! There's this twitter account that keeps posting things that are happening in Vampdom."

"Yo that's so cool though! Do you know who's the admin?"

"No clue." Mari replied before pushing herself off the couch. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going for a run. Saph is becoming lazy."

"Am not!"

"Yeah you are." The girl mumbled before walking outside and standing on the end of the staircase. Just as she was about to shift, there was a notification sound coming from her phone.

"Who is it?" Mari asked the other girl who just hummed. "Renjun. He asks if you want to hang out. Apparently they're all going to Ncity and Hyuck wants to meet you."

"Hyuck? Who's that?"

"Renjun's best friend! Mine too I guess, we were pretty close when I was in Vampdom." Areum explained. "Why would he want to meet me? How does he even know about me?"

"Renjun must be talking about you." Sapphire giggled, wagging her tail around happily. "Hyuck actually thinks you guys have something happening since the festival."

"What?! WHy??" Mari yelled out making Areum laugh at her voice crack. "Because Renjun ran away from him the moment he saw you. I remember reading that in the chat."

"What does that mean? Why would he leave his friend for a random person?"

"Nu-uh honey. You're not a random person. According to everything happening between you two, I think there might be some chemistry between you two."

"Told you so!" Sapphire grinned in triumph as Areum confirmed what she had been saying to the girl for a few weeks now. "Oh shush there Furry."

"Did you just- What?! I am a wolf, of course I'm furry!!" Mari laughed slightly before looking towards the younger girl. "Tell him no promises but maybe I come after a run." Areum showed her thumbs up as she shifted into her wolf form and started running through the woods.

Her dark brown fur flew in the wind as her sapphire blue eyes looked at where she was heading to. Strong paws hitting the floor as she pushed herself forward, trying to speed up. "Come on girl! You can do it!" Mari encouraged the wolf, a proud smile on her face as they moved at an incredible speed.

Sapphire growled slightly before jumping across a random branch standing on the ground before taking a turn towards the right.

An hour and a half had passed when the girl returned from her run, sweat drippling down her body. "Great job Saph. You're better and better every time." Mari said as she opened the fridge and reached for a leftover piece of chicken the two girls had for lunch.

Just as she was about to take a seat, she heard soft sobs coming from her room. "Mari, I think Areum is crying." Sapphire spoke up with a raspy voice, making the girl raise an eyebrow and slowly make her way towards the room.

Upon opening the doors, she saw Areum sitting in the corner, a blanket wrapped around her as she hugged her knees. Her sobs got louder as Mari made her way towards her, noticing the younger's tremling body. "Hey." The other spoke up, placing a comforting hand onto her shoulder.

The sudden movement made Areum flinch as she looked up at the source of touch. "Hey calm down, it's only me." Mari spoke softly as she sat down on the bed next to her and embraced her into a hug. "I'm here now, it's okay."

"I-I thought they will f-find me." The younger girl managed to say between her sobs, making Mari move away from her. "Who? Was someone here?" She asked, looking around the room and searching for a scent which could tell her about the unknown presence. A growl left her mouth as she felt a mix of more than three smells.

Familiar ones at that.

Her head whipped back towards Areum whose crying didn't seem to be stopping anytime soon. "Hey Saph, are you okay for another shift?" Mari asked her wolf who quickly responded. "I don't recommend going after them. You will only prove them that Areum is here. Also, I'm pretty tired and not really in the mood to run anymore."

"No, I didn't ask because of that. I know that Areum's connected with animals so I thought maybe you could cuddle with her to calm her down?"

"OH! Yeah sure, I can do that." A moment had passed before a big wolf appeared on the bed, nuzzling it's head into the girl's lap. "M-Mari?" Areum stuttered out before a howl left the latter's mouth. She slowly moved her hand through the wolf's soft fur, a small smile forming on her face. "I never saw your wolf form before. You're beautiful."

Sapphire waved her tail around before turning on her back. "Tummy scratch!!" Of course, Areum didn't understand her words but luckily she understood the gesture, moving her hand over her tummy while she used her other hand to wipe her tears.

"Seonghwa, San and Wooyoung were here like half an hour ago. They took something from the other room and left immediately. I used a spell to hide my smell so they haven't found me but my anxiety took the better of me." The girl explained as she continued scratching the wolf.

"Poor girl." Sapphire spoke, making Mari nod at her words. "We will protect her from San no matter what. Nothing can happen to her."

At that moment her phone buzzed, making the girl whip her head around towards the device placed on a night stand. "It's Renjun. They apparently just left Ncity." She placed the phone back before letting out a chuckle. "I guess you ain't going to the date."

"It's not a date!"


Yeah sure bestie, whatever you say

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