Back in black

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The next day


3rd Person POV:

The initiates sat on the training mats waiting for Miller to come and start bossing them around, like he did for the past week. When Grace suddenly disappeared a week ago in the middle of training it started to raise questions and rumours among the initiates.

"I heared someone say that she snapped and ran back to Jeanine Mathews.", Lisa, a blonde girl, said.

A few gasps are heard and then someone else raises their voice: "No, no i heard that Eric killed her because she dumped him 2 times and that hurt his big ego"

A few laugh, a few roll their eyes.

"Well and i heard that her younger sister died and she needed some time to cool off.", someone says and they all turn around to see none other than Grace looking at them with sharp eyes and her arms crossed infront of her chest.

Everyone is quiet noone daring to say something.

After a few seconds Grace sighs.

"What? Are you just going to keep staring at me or are you going to get your lazy asses up and start training?", she barks. Startled, everyone gets up and starts running laps around the compound.

*at the same time on the far end of the training room*

"Come on Fallon, my grandma can run faster than you!", Four shouts and Eric chuckles behind him. "Did you by any chance mean yourself when you said grandma?", he asks earning laughter from Max and Tris who were standing beside them.

"Well, you sure look like one.", Tris adds inbetween her laughter.

Four narrows his eyes at his giggeling girlfriend. "Oh you better run now.", he says and she starts backing away slowly.

"Oh im sorry Mr. Dont-tease-me-or-i'll-cry.",she teases putting her hands up in mock surrender.

"Ooohhh!!", Max and Eric shout in unison.

Some of the initiates running laps turn around confused about what their trainers are doing but their attention is soon brought back to running, with a glare from Eric.

Four lets out a sigh and grumbles a 'whatever' before taking off jogging after some initiates.

Tris lets out a sigh and turns around joining Eric who is cleaning a bunch of knives preparing them for training.

She stands beside him and grabs a dirty knife and starts rubbing the dirt off with a part of her shirt.

"Trouble in Paradise?", he suddenly asks making her jump. She looks up at him to see his famous smirk plastered on his face.

Oh, how she wished she could actually wipe it off his stupid face.

She sighs again out of frustation.

"Nooo", she says and gets back to cleaning the knives, "Four's just worried about Grace, i mean she hasnt been showing herself for more than a week now."

Eric just shrugs.

"She'll be fine. He should stop worrying. I mean im talking out of experience when i say that Grace is one tough cookie.", he says with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

Tris nods and smiles.

"You know you're nice to ralk to when you're not acting like a complete dick.", she says.

He scoffs.

"Dont get used to it stiff."

She rolls her eyes.

She still couldn't get used to the fact that she had seen a much more pleasant side of Eric than she was used too. Even the teansion between him and Four wasnt so unbearable anymore. They actually joked around a few days ago, which was a big surprise for anyone who witnessed.

They both turned around when they heared another voice behind them.

"Come on, Walz! 50 more!"

The poor intiate did the 50 more push ups with Grace towering above her.

"Told you. One tough cookie.", Eric muttered after wiping off that look of surprise on his face and putting away the now cleaned knives and calling the heavily panting intiates over to the knife throwing station.

"Did Grace-", Tris starts.

"Yes she did.", Four answers beside them looking as surprised as Tris.

"Is she-", she starts again.

"I think so." ,Eric answers while the initiates gather around them, followed by Grace.

"Could you two by any chance stop interrupting the poor stiff! God damn.", Max grumbles earning a grateful look from Tris.

Grace arrives and stands next to the group of trainers who are carefully eyeing her from head to toe searching for any injuries. But finding none.

"Alright kiddos", she shouts clapping her hands together earning loud groans at the nickname ,"lets get to it!"

She turns around facing a smiling Tris, Four and Max and a smirking Eric.

"Lets torture some intiates as a celebration of the return of your highness Grace Matthews, shall we?", Four sighs and they all laugh.

"We shall.", Grace says, smiling for the very first time in days.

Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergent Fanfiction (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now