Chapter 3 - Memories

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I arrive at the medical center looking through the glass that parts my sisters room from the hallway. She's reading a book and grins every now and then. I just loved the way she could completly recess into a book. There could be a murder happening next to her but she wouldnt notice as long as the book was good.

I smile.

I open the door slowly and enter.

She doesnt look up. I imagine what would happen if i would throw the door shut.

She would probably die of a heart attack right away.

I giggle.

I close the door behind me and take a seat next to her bed.

She still doesnt seem to have noticed me.

"What happened? You're so quiet Gracy." , she says causing me to cringe.

She laughs and puts her book on her lap,focusing her dark blue eyes on me.

"How are you feeling today?", i ask putting a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

She shruggs touching her bald head.

"Im okay for now, i guess." , she says fiddeling with her infusion tube.

She had to shave her head about 3 weeks ago and she still hasnt got used to it.

"So, tell me.", she says changing the subject, "what did you do today?"

I let out a deep sigh. And told her everything. My plan that failed. The abnegation refugees. Eric. Max. Four.

She frowned, but didnt say anything and pulled me into a tight hug.


After we've sat in our rooms for a while, trying to sort our brains, we've been led to a floor which we reached with an elevator.

I frown and take Fours hand.

Only then he looks up and gives me a small smile. I smile back.

They've been so quiet since this woman appeared today. Everyone captured in their own thoughts.

Just every now and then i would see Eric tense up from the corner of my eyes but as quickly as he stiffs up he relaxes again. His face void of emotion.

I left Caleb back in his room. He was still in shock from the death of our parents.

I think i would be too if i wouldnt be in such circumstances.

I sigh quietly.

We reach a wooden door which was opened by two guards from the inside.

There was a woman sitting behind a desk quietly talking with one of the guards i saw earlier. She reminded me of someone, but i couldnt figure out of who until she gasped looking at us all beaten up. "Tobias..", she whispered.

And then i knew it. Before Four could say anything i realized who she was. "Mom..", he said letting my hand go and coming closer to her until they were both so close that she could easily hug him over the table. But she didnt.

Instead she sighs and closes her eyes for a brief second. "Welcome to the Factionless. Please..." ,she gestures to the chairs infront of her, "take a seat. We have much to discuss."

"What do you mean she has found a way to control the Divergents?", Evelyn asks sitting up in her chair.

"Well, we dont know all the details... But she has been experimenting on Divergents a long time ago trying to find a serum to control them.", Max says in a quiet voice.

"She hasnt come that far, she wont for the next few weeks because of the trouble we caused, but if you are planning to attack her and take her down, it better be soon.", Eric adds his voice getting a darker tone.

I havent been saying anything the whole time. I was still fascinated by the bewildering similarity between Tobias and his Mother.

"Well, thats why i need you.", she looks at Max with a stern look, "you'll have to help me training my army" ,she frowns at the word,"of course you can do it how you used to. Dauntless style.", she grins.

"And what if we dont?", Eric asks crossing his arms with a smirk.

Evelyns grin dissappears.

She leans over to look him directly in the eyes and im scared by the sudden atmospher in this room.

"Listen to me Eric. You dont have to help me. Of course not. But... You wont stand a single chance against her by yourselves.", she looks at me. I cringe under her look and try to dissappear into the chair.

"If you dont want to help me, thats perfectly fine with me, i mean... Grace managed to train most of them perfectly all by herself. You're free to go after this conversation.", she gestures to the door, "but remember one thing" , she looks directly at Eric, "this time i wont stop Grace from trying to kill you."

She leans back.

She looks at us showing no emotion at all.

"Well?", she rises one eyebrow.

"Fine, we'll do it. But not because we're afraid of Grace", Max smirks, "but because we wanna kill this goddamn bitch Jeanine."

Evelyn laughs.

"Well then its settled. You can go and introduce yourselves or whatever, from now on you're reponsable for my agents....

Dont fuck it up."

She leans back into her chair looking pleased. Eric already walks out of the door looking furious.

I sigh and we others follow him back to our rooms slowly.

Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergent Fanfiction (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now