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Grace POV:

Im woken up by someone tapping my shoulder. I abruptly sit up and rub my eyes. I look over to see who had woken me up and find Tobias standing next to me with a worried expression on his face.

"Oh hey Tobi", i murmur with my voice still full of sleep. He just shoots me a small smile that disappears soon after.

I get up and stretch and yawn at the same time, then i walk over to the small mirror that was hanging here since what felt like the beginning of time.

The woman in the mirror looked so tired, with dark rings under her eyes and her hair standing out in every direction.

I sigh and my reflection does the same.

"What is happening to this girl? Who is she anyways?", Tobias asks me keeping his voice low as if he was afraid to wake Sophie up. He had sat down on the far corner of her bed and motions to the chair I've been sitting on before. I take a seat again and look down to my hands which were nervously fidgeting with eachother.

It takes a while before i speak up.

"Thats Sophia. My younger sister. Shes been sick ever since we both arrived here and we tried to treat it  but looks like she has no chance.", I say putting a smile on my face, but it soon vanishes because i am just to tired to smile.

"Is she gonna..", he starts.

"...die? Yes, most certainly.", i finish finally looking up to meet his sad eyes.

I know whats going to come now. He's going to start to feel pity. Hes going to tell his little girlfriend, shes going to tell the others and soon the whole compound will be treating me with kid gloves.

And that is something i do not want.

I sigh.

"Look, Tobi i do not want your pity, okay?

Nor do i want everyone to know. If theres anything i want right now.... it would be to be left alone.", i say even i hearing the exhaustion in my voice.

Theres a long silence between us until he takes another chair and sits next to me.

"Now, why would i do that? Its not exactly like you left me alone when you found out i was divergent, right?", he says with a smirk, "Also... I need you.... I need you to be sane for me, because i cant think straight right now."

I snort at this sentence and punch him in the arm. "Sane? For you? What do i look like to you? A fucking psychologist?", i ask and earn laughter from him.

Then, silence again.

I keep staring at a point on the wall before me, blankly, trying not to cry again.

"You know what my mom always used to say?", i ask still looking at the wall.

"Hm?", he hums.

"She always used to say that Sacrifice, is a very genuine act and that it take so much out of a human to do it. I asked her once if it was always that hard to sacrifice and you know what she said? That it isnt hard to sacrifice anything for the people you love.... And i did it Tobi. I sacrificed my freedom for Sophie. The day i fled from the dauntless compound, the moment that i was out of this goddamn city i was finally free, Tobi, i was free as a bird until i saw my sister. I could have just walked past her and go live in the woods by myself living by my own rules. Be happy. But i didnt. Instead i took her with me and ran into Evelyn, practicly begging her to help Sophie.", i pause taking a shaky breath, "And now im sitting here, just waiting for Sophie to take her last breath and again obeying to someone who im not even sure  if shes not the same as my mom."

He says nothing and just makes me lean onto his shoulder.

"I feel so stupid, Tobias.", i manage to squiek out. He just pets my shoulder.

I sigh and calm myself.

Theres a long silence again.

"Im sure you were here because you needed something, right?", i then ask and lift my head to look him in the eyes.

"Yeah, well", he looks down at his hands,

"Evelyn is calling everyone into a meeting to discuss our next move against your mother so she sent me to find you.... But if you're not feeling ready i can tell her i couldnt find you or something.", he says and gets up from his chair. I put my hair into a ponytail and stood up shaking my head. "Lets go.", i say and we head straight to the conference room.

Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergent Fanfiction (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now