Getting physical (4 days)

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3rd Person POV:

"What the hell where you two thinking?!",Evelyn shouts pacing back and forth in her office,"you are leaders for crying out loud!!"
She stops and faces a smirking Eric and a sighing Grace.
"He started!"
"She started!",
they both shout in unison and glare at eachother playfully.
Evelyn puts her head in her hands and cries out of frustration.

"Gosh i think thats gonna leave a scar.", Grace states while touching the bleeding side of her head lightly.
"Suck it up and dont be such a fucking whimp.", Eric retorts and in the same moment he groans and grabs his side.
Grace laughs lightly. "Who's the whimp now?", she asks, earning a glare from him.
"Okay, im not going to say this again. If any of this happens again, im going to feed you to the wolves in the woods.", Evelyn threatens," and now get out and get yourselves fixed."
"Thanks Evelyn, love you too!", Grace groans and Eric and her limp out of her office. As soon as the door closes behind them they start laughing but both stop abruptly and groan, holding their sides.
"That was so worth it!!", Grace coughs and Eric nods in agreement as they slowly drag themselves to the medical center.

Flashback 3rd POV:

"You good there Matt?", Grace asks smirking and bends down to look at the paralyzed boy.
"I feel great, well, except i cant feel my body.", he answers and laughs.
"Yeah, well, sorry about that but dont worry it'll wear off soon.", Grace assures and  stands up looking around to see everyone practicing.
Meanwhile, Eric had made his way over to her and was now standing behind her, smirking.
He taps her shoulder lightly and she quickly turns around.
Her eyes widen in shock and she takes a few steps back attempting to flee.
"Ah, ah, ah where do you think you're going Missy.", Eric says and grabs her wrist pulling her with him.
"Eric, seriously, im sorry but you started.", she says with a pleading look in her eyes, wondering where he was dragging her.
He suddenly stops and turns around looking down at her.
"I. Started. It?", he asks his voice dangerously low.
"Yes, if you hadnt provoken me in the first place i woudnt have locked you out.", she states and shrugs, "also calm down dont get all worked up about it."
Suddenly she found herself on the floor, her arms pinned above her head and an angry Eric towering above her.
"Are you fucking serious?! You left me out there to freeze my fucking ass off and you have the guts to tell me that it is MY FAULT?!", he shouts making Grace cringe.
She trys to wiggle out of his grasp but it was almost impossible to do so.
"This is so ridiculous! What are you going to do, hm? Hang me over the chasm? Well too bad i cant see no chasm here!!", Grace screams,"Also you know damn well that im gonna kick your ass if you try anything."
Eric throws his head back and laughs loudly.
"What? Still think you can beat me? Good damn you're not just a moody bitch but also veeery stupid.", he laughs making Grace stop trying to escape.
She narrows her eyes at him and before he can react she grabs his hands that were holding her down, kicks him in the stomach and flips him around so that she was now above him. Surprise was clearly written on his face.
"", she hisses and glares at him.
By now the training initiates gathered around the two trainers and were curiously watching the fight.
"You heard me.", he retorts with a smirk.
"Take it back right now.", she says.
"Make me, cupcake.", he answers clearly enjoying that he was pushing her buttons.
There was a long silence until Grace stands up and smirks. "Okay.", she says and stomps onto the place where the sun doesnt shine. Eric groans clutching his place and gets up slowly.
When he finally stands, fists clenched, he charges towards her and throws a punch towards her stomach but she easily dodges.
He turns around again and lets out an angry growl before sending a punch towards her jaw and hitting it, sending her head flying to the side. She cries out and tumbles backwards holding her jaw, but quickly recovers so she could dodge another kick from Eric. She grabs his leg and twists it sending him flying to the ground again, face forward this time. He collides with the hard concrete with a loud thud but gets up quickly to see that she had turned her back towards him.
Big mistake!
He charges towards her and puts her head in his famous headlock position making her scream out in pain.
"Did you forget Rule number 7? Never take your eyes of your enemy.", Eric huffs clearly out of breath.
She tries to wiggle out of his arm and quickly kicks his kneecaps, making him fall and let her out of his painful grip.
"Rule number 3. Never underestimate the enemy.", she chokes out, gasping for air and kicking his side a few times until a sickening crack can be heard.
The intiates around the gasp but nobody dares to intervene.
Eric groans holding his side while slowly getting up.
"You bitch.", he hisses.
"Beg to differ?", she huffs, smirking.
Suddenly Eric throws a fake punch towards her stomach making her block it and throws another one towards her face, hitting her straight in the face.
She hisses out in pain, holding her nose which gave him enough time to grab her by her hair and slam her head agains the concrete wall a few times until she slowly sinks to the floor, unconcious.
After a few seconds of her not getting up he bends down, suddenly worried about his friend.
He inspects her head which was bleeding badly on the side of her forehead and her nose was bleeding too.
Suddenly her eyes shoot open and she grabs his head kneeing him straight in the face.
She busted his cheek open and he groans and sinks to his knees.
"Playing dirty, are we?", he chuckles and stands up holding his cheek.
"I just did what you did... Cupcake.", she mocks holding her nose.
They look at each other for a split second before charging at each other throwing wild kicks and punches.
A few minutes pass by and the two trainers are rolling around on the floor trying to choke on another.

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