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Beep, beep, beep, beep....

"Eric, you've been here for the past few weeks, you should go and sleep. We'll watch over her."

Beep, beep, beep, beep...

"No. Im not going until she opens her eyes, Four."

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep...

Sighing. A door shuts.
Someone takes my hand and squeezes it lightly.

Beep, beep, beep, beeeep, beepbeepbeep...

"I know you can feel this, please open your eyes, for me?"

Beep, beep, beep ...

My head pounds and i can feel someones hand in mine. The smooth, yet rough skin brushing past my palm.
I wanted to squeeze back so badly. I wanted to open my eyes and see.
But i was scared of the dark that threatened to pull me under again.

Beep, beep, beep, beep....

"I cant loose you again, Grace."

Beep, beep, beep....

"Damn it!"
Someone punches something hard, i am assuming.
My heart starts to beat faster and i try to move my stiff body. One last attempt.

Beeep, beep, beep, beep....

Something is different this time.
I can actually unterstand the people talking now but still i cant make no sense out of the meaning of their words.

I can feel the IV stuck in my arm, and the incesive beeping is getting on my nerves more than ever.
My chest is burning and its getting stronger with every second passing.
I can feel something on my face, going up my nose and helping me breathe.
Oxygen tubes?

Beep, beep, beep....

The hand which was previously holding mine was now placed beside me. I could feel its warmth and our hands were just slightly touching.
My muscles were so sore as if i had been running for a day straight, but i try moving them.
My leg twitches.

My god i did it!

Beep, beep, beep, beep....

My fingers start twitching and i move them closer to the hand beside me, slowly intertwining my fingers with the other hand.

"Grace...", someone breathes out.

Beep, beep, beep...

I try opening my eyes and it works, but the light in this room blinds me, hurting my eyes and i shut them quickly again.
After a few moments i open them again but this time slower, letting my eyes adjust to the light in this room.

I blink a few times and look around the bright white room.
There are windows to my right and the daylight shines through the opened curtains. There's a heart monitor and also a small table, but no chairs.
I hold up my free hand and look at the infusion tube right under my wrist.
The pain in my chest hasnt gone away so i slowly touch the spot it was coming from.
I feel thick bandages under my touch and as i put more pressure on that spot a sharp pain shoots through my body, making me groan.
I then let my hand sink and turn to my left to look at my interwined hand and follow the other hand with my eyes. I see tattooed maze patterns on the persons arm and somehow they seem so familiar.
I look into those persons glistering blue gray eyes.
"Eric...", i croak out.
He smiles at the sound of my voice and lifts his hand, which was still in mine, putting it to his lips and kissing the back of my hand lightly.
Relief was clearly written on his tired, worn out face and i smile weakly.
He had very dark bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. He has a beard now which made him look like a big puppy.
I smiled brighter at that thought and let go of his hand just to mess with his beard.
"Hey, puppy.", i murmur and he chuckles leaning into my hand.

Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergent Fanfiction (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now