Confrontation II

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I wake up with a gasp to hear someone banging against my door.

I groan and lay back down, pulling the blanket over my head.

5 minutes pass of me trying desperately to ignore the loud banging but i fail miserably.

I sigh and look at the watch beside my bed.

3 fucking a.m!!! Who the hell desides to go slam my door in at this time?!

I make an inhuman noise before pulling the covers away and getting up from bed.

I look down at myself only to see that i was sleeping in underwear. I grab an oversized shirt which my last one nightstand forgot here and pull it on while yawning.

The banging hasnt stopped yet so i slowly make my way to the door.

"Who dares to wake me up at this hour?", i growl while opening the door and looking at the figure before me. My eyes hadnt yet adjusted themselves to the darkness so i couldnt make out who this person was. But when they did i saw a smirking Max standing before me.

"Mornin' sunshine.", he chirpes playfully and i glare at him. Is he completely crazy now?

"I hope you have a damn good reason to wake me up at 3 a.m, Max or i swear to god im gonna rip your tongue out.", i hiss and he chuckles lightly.

"Just put some pants on and follow me.", he says and leans agains the doorframe.

"So i cant go back to sleep?", i pout.

"Nope.", he says popping the 'p'.

I sigh and start looking for my training shorts. When i finally found them and had put them on i put my messy hair into a bun and start following Max down the corridor. Barefeet might i add.

"Sooo, where are we going?", i ask to fill the silence that has gotten between us.

"You'll see soon enough.", he says with a smile playing on his lips.

I just roll my eyes.

After some turning and stairs we finally arrive at our destination. Outside.

I look around confused. There is nothing here except the grass under my feet and the trees towering above us.

Max starts walking again but soon stops and lowers himself onto the grass.

I frown. What is happening?

A cold breeze brushes through me and i shiver, wrapping my arms around my body.

He looks up at me and pats at the spot next to him, signaling me to sit.

I obey, eventhough everything screams in me not to.

There is a long silence before Max speaks up.

"Im actually surprised that you followed me, you know, considering that you are sort of mad at me."

I blink in surprise.

"Sort of?", i ask, "i AM mad at you."

He just nods at looks down at his hands.

There is another long silence but this time im the one who breaks it.

"Okay Max, seriously, if you just woken me up so we can sit here in silence i will leave."

He turns to me and and smiles weakly, then looks infront of him and points at something.

"I wanted to show you this.", he simply says and my eyes widen at the view before me.

Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergent Fanfiction (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now