The Attack

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"Everyone grab a gun of choice and a knife and then report to your assigned group.", i shout while taking a gun and inspecting it closely. The last thing I need is the gun to fail on me. I take some ammo and put it in my gun belt then return to my group which was gathering beside Four's.
While waiting for everybody to get ready my mind starts to replay yesterday's kiss.
Eric and I kissed and yes, i felt a certain kind of spark when we did, but i wasnt sure if it was right. He is my best friend. Best friends dont kiss eachother like that.

I look to my right spotting him between Max and Evelyn. We hadn't spoken to eachother since last night. Tris had tried to calm me down but it hadn't had the effect I was hoping for. The guilt still rummaged through my body like acid.
I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts, i need to focuse on the task and nothing but the task now.
I take three knives and put two in my gun belt and one in my boot and turn to Evelyn who had gathered all groups around her.
"When you come back, you'll come back as heros. And if you fall, you will be always remembered as heros!", she shouts," Good luck comrades! Be safe. May you bring us victory!"
We all cheer in unison and march out of the hideout. We will have a long walk until we reach the fence so we march fastly so it wouldnt take as long.
"Check if your earpieces work. It can save your life.", i say loudly for everyone to hear. The initiates all start taking out their earpieces and pushing buttons, checking if they work, and put them back in again.
"Max, i want you to keep your eyes open, those warriors are sneaky as fuck.", i advise and he gives me a firm nod.
After a 20 minutes walk we arrive at the fence and start climbing over it. When we reach the top we already see the train approaching its headlights brightly shining into my eyes for a second and the horn buzzing in my ears.
"Get ready to jump!", Eric shouts and we all start running. One after another, the intiates jump into the train whooping from the adrenaline rush. I just smirk and wait a few seconds before grabbing the handle nearby and swinging myself inside, landing on my feet not so gracefully.
I hear Max laugh next to me.
"Shut up i haven't done this in a while ok?", i say and crack a laugh.
We stand near the door looking outside, taking in the familiar landscape of Chicago.
The headquaters of Erudite are still brightly lit even at this hour, it was a beautiful contrast to the dark sky only lit by a few stars. It would have been breathtaking if my mind wouldnt be so preoccupied by the task ahead of us.
I cross my arms behind my back and notice Max and Eric doing the same.
Old habits i guess.
Eric was standing beside me and our arms were slightly touching, which gave me goosebumps all over my body. He still hasn't looked at me a single time. But who could blame him?
I sigh and keep my eyes glued on the sight of the city.
Everything was about to change. And hopefully for the better.
"Four, Eric you two should go with Max and Tris.", i say and they look at me suprised.
"What? why?", Four asks confused.
"Its my mother we're about to put down. I think it should be me who should do this. Also Max and Tris need all the help they can get.", i explain still not managing to look at them.
"You're right.", Max simply says.
"No. We're not letting you go alone up there.", Tris exclaims, but Four puts a hand on her shoulder.
"Let her.", he simply says and its quiet again.
"We're almost at Candor, Max.", i state quietly.
He sighs and gathers his group around.
"Good luck. ", i say, realizing this could be the last time we see eachother. He smiles at me and then jumps off the train followed by his group of initiates.
Its silent again as the train moves further into the night.
We pass the Dauntless compound and Tris's group jumps off.
When we are about to pass Amity, Four looks at us for a second.
"If you die, im going to kill you.", he says and jumps off the train followed by his group. We laugh for a short moment and then its silent again.
My breathing has become more rapid, now that we were slowly getting closer to Abnegation.
I let my arms hang loose beside my body, clenching my hands into fists.
It was silent in the train, the tension thick in the air.
Suddenly i felt Erics hand slowly opening my clenched fist, carefully interwining his fingers with mine.
I look up at him shocked at the sudden action, but he kept his gaze locked to what lies outside.
I close my eyes and take in this moment trying to imprint it into my brain.
After a while i open my eyes and realize that we were approaching Abnegation. My destination.
He lets go of my hand, the warmth still lingering on my fingers. My group gathers around me as i prepare to jump. I look back one last time to see Eric already looking at me.
"Be careful.", he says, his voice colder than ice.
I cringe at the sound but nod.
"You too.", i say and jump out of the train, landing on my feet more gracefully this time.
I look at the gray stone houses, or more at what was left of them and start running through the streets towards the Erudite headquaters, followed by my group.
We move quietly almost like shadows and manage to get to Erudite unnoticed.
We take cover in the bushes nearby and look around, counting the guards standing outside.
"Okay, Lopez, Lisa take the ones on the left, Matt, Sarah you the ones on the right and be quiet.", i whisper and they jump out of the bushes, knocking the guards out and taking cover behind some stone walls.
I see Max's people creeping through the entrance and i take that as my cue to follow them inside.
We run through the entrance door and are greeted by 15 guards standing infront of us, guns raised.
"Stop right there!", one of the shouts but soon after i give my people the sign to shoot and bullets start flying through the air, making the guards fall to the ground and painting the neat white floor red.
As planned, i start running up the stairs towards the top floor where i assume Jeanine was hiding, taking out some guards on my way.
I hear screaming of pain and orders being yelled downstairs, but i keep running my breath going in short, fast huffs.
I was almost at the top floor when suddenly i was smashed into a wall nearby.
My vision went black for a second and i blink for it to go away. I cough and finally my vision clears again revealing none other than Sophie standing in front of me, gun pointed at me.
How was she alive? And why was she pointing a gun at me?
Her blonde hair grew back again falling to her shoulders and she looked more then healthy. What happened?
"Sophie...", i breath but she just keeps staring at me.
She points the gun upwards before nudging me in the back.
"Move.", she orders her voice cold and monotone.
I start moving upstairs and soon im standing infront of the glassdoors leading to my mothers office. I feel Sophie grabbing the gun and the knife out of my gunbelt and tossing them behind her. They fall to the floor with a loud clank and she pushes me through the glass doors the cold barrel giving me shivers on my back.
"Ahhh, my two favorite girls.", i hear my mother say as she steps away from the monitor and walks towards us.
"Mother, what is this?", i ask, my voice slightly shaking.
"Oh, Sophie? Yes, you see, i brought her back from the dead.", she states, smiling as my sister leaves my side and steps next to Jeanine, gun still pointed at me.
"Also i may have injected her with the serum also.", she states and my eyes widen.
"You did not.", i hiss and take a step forward only to make Sophie unlock the gun.
"You see, she doesnt remember you anymore. As if you never exsisted. Dont you see, Annabella, you are the threat.", Jeanine says and a sting goes through my heart.
She looks at me for a long time and then nods at one of the scientists. He must be controlling Sophies mind. He starts typing something, making Sophie step foward.
"Sophie, listen...", i say, putting my hands up and going backwards.
"Its me, your sister who loves you. You dont want to kill me.", i say in a calming voice but it was like i was talking to a wall, she didnt hear me nor recognize me.
"Sophie, its me, Grace!", i say louder now since she put her weapon back and made a move to punch me.
I grab her wrist, stopping her and twist it around pushing her further from me. She quickly turns around and starts throwing punches. I dodge and kick her feet making her loose balance and fall to the ground with a grunt. I put my hands on my knees catching my breath which gave her time to stand up and kick me in the side. I hear a sickening crunch and i scream in pain stumbling to the side.
"Sophie, its me!", i shout but she doesnt listen and kicks me to the ground.
I groan in pain, unable to move up and she slowly closes in on me pulling out her gun again.
"Sophie, please...", my voice not louder than a whisper while she sits on me keeping me from getting away.
She points the gun to my forehead her look emotionless.
I close my eyes. How could my mother do this?
Anger started to boil inside me and i remembered that if i was killed now, we would loose every chance to free all the factions.
I was breathing heavily my heart threatening to jump out of my chest.
I hear Sophie unlock the safety but i dont give her the chance to pull the trigger. I grab the gun out of her hands, point at my sister, close my eyes and pull the trigger myself. I feel my sisters now lifeless body slide to the ground with a loud thump. My breath hitches. What have i done?
"What have you done?!", i hear my mother shout. I slowly stand up, gun still in my hand and look at her.
"You did this!", i shout,"look what you've done, you've driven our whole family apart, goddamn!"
" I am trying to contain the peace! I am trying to eliminate the threat, Grace!", she screams tears forming in her eyes.
"So this is what peace is then?", i ask," because if it is, I'd rather live in chaos."
I raise my gun at her and she straightens herself.
"Are you really going to shoot your own mother?", she asks.

Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergent Fanfiction (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now