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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOURRRR!!!", Tris and I shout in unision and jump onto his back, giggling. He grunts and stumbles forward but doesnt fall.
"Thanks girls, but it would be really nice if you could get off my back. Like now.", he laughs and we jump off laughing aswell.
"Happy birthday man.", Eric says and claps him on the back.
"Zeke's throwing a party in your honor in the pit tonight.", Max says and we all head to the messing hall together.
Four groans and buries his face in his hands.
"Dont worry i think he just wanted an excuse to throw a big party again.", i reassure as we enter.
"Hopefully.", Four mutters.
We make our way to our table and Eric grabs my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.
We sit at the table and i grab an apple.
"Do we have anything important to do today?", Lauren asks and Max shakes his head sipping his coffee.
"Today is a free day, which means the perfect day for partying.", he says a smirk playing on his lips.
Lauren and i fist pump the air. "Yeeesss.", we shout and break into a fit of laughter.

I was sure that today is going to be a good day.
I had bought a present for Four yesterday, i was planning to give it to him in private later since i already knew that Eric would get jealous again.

"Im gonna beat you this time, just so you now.", Lauren says and points her fork to Eric. He smirks.
"You wish babydoll.", he mocks and i roll my eyes.
"Stop bickering about this stupid game. Its just beer pong and obviously i would woop both of your asses.", i say and grin wickedly.
They both gasp and look at me fake pouting.
"Challenge accepted.", Lauren then says and winks.
I just shake my head and eat the rest of my apple.


Currently Tris, Lauren and I were searching for the perfect party outfit. Of course they had to drag me with them even though i wanted to be everywhere else other than in a clothing store.
"Do i have to?", i whine, while Lauren drags me through shelves of black dresses.
"Yes, you have to. You're a girl, and girls need to get glamed up sometimes because its not natural otherwise. Also don't you want Eric to drool over you?", Laurens says.
"Well.... Yeah... But-", i say.
"No buts. Take this, this and this and into changing room with you.", she orders and pushes me into the changing room with arms full of clothing.

At first i try a short, sleeveless dress which goes to my mid thighs.
I step out of the changing room so that Tris and Lauren can look at it.
"I look like a whore.", i pout, which makes them laugh.
"Just try the other outfits.", Tris says and i go back inside.

Next i try another dress on. Its puffy in the end and the puffy end is white.
I groan.
"I look like a Candor. Theres no way im gonna go out like this.", i growl and return to try on the last outfit.

I step out of the cabin and they both gasp.
"Holy cowballs, Grace, you look smoking hot!", Lauren says and Tris nods eagerly.
I roll my eyes at them, but decide to take the outfit, wondering how Eric will react to it.
After, Tris and Lauren choose their outfits we pay and head towards my apartment.
It was almost time for the party and we decided to get ready at my place.
We enter and close the door, already stripping off our clothes and putting on the new ones.
I put on my combat boots instead of high heels because i knew i would be the one who would carry someone of them home because they were too drunk to walk home themselves.

I put some foundation, a little mascara and red lipstick on and let my hair fall loosely around my shoulders.

While the girls still got ready i searched for the little package that was meant for Four and went over to the control room in hopes he was still there.
I knock lightly and open the door to see Uriah lazily spinning in his chair and Four studying a screen intensely.
When Uriah sees me he immediately stops and stares at me, wide eyed.
"Holy shit, Grace!", he exclaims and i sigh.
Thats when Four turns around and sees me as well.
His eyes widen for a second before he regains his composure.
I take a free chair and sit next to him.
"I need to give you something.", i say quietly, making him raise his eyebrow questioningly.
I turn around to face Uriah and point my finger at him.
"You. Get out.", i say coldly and he scurries away under my gaze.
I turn back to Four and smile at him handing him the small black package i brought with me.
He looks at me and then at the package and then at me again.
"You seriously didnt have to-", he starts but i raise a hand to shut him up.
"Just open it.", i say and smile.
He smiles back at me and starts ripping the black paper open, like an eager child on christmas eve.
He pulls out a small picture in a portrait, and his eyes widen.
He brushes across the picture frame and a grin creeps up onto his face.
"This was right after we...", he starts.
"Finished initiation. Yeah. When everything was still alright.", i say and smile at him, "Do you like it?"
He nods. "I love it, seriously, thanks Grace.", he murmurs and hugs me tightly.
"Dont tell Eric i gave you this though.", i warn as we pull apart, "you know how he gets."
He laughs and we leave the control room.
"Yeah, i know. Dont worry.", he reassures, and we make our way to the party.

Ruthless (Eric x OC) Divergent Fanfiction (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now