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Jennie and Lisa were calmly in their dorm room before the younger's phones lit up by a text.

"Hm? Who's that eh? A secret boyfriend maybe" Jennie teased wiggling her eyebrows as a joke, but chortled when she saw the girl turn a slight shade of pink.

"I don't even need to see the phone to tell it's Jungkook. Oblivious much?" Jennie asked to which Lisa just blushed harder.

"Shut up. And either way, he's inviting us to go hang out tonight, at the forest to explore the so called ghosts. Apparently BTS will we there as a whole too. What do you say?" Lisa asked Jennie with a hopeful glint that the girl did not miss.

"Of course, if it means it's closer to Liskook sailing then there's nothing else to say" she said with a grin which made Lisa blush harder but she forgot about it as she started texting back with excitement, which made Jennie genuinely smile.

Truth be told she wanted Lisa to have as much fun as she could, so that she could bond with others.

Jennie didn't care about herself as long as the kid got to get as close as possible to a normal childhood, which Jennie always took upon herself to try and provide for Lisa whilst still protecting her.

She sighed sadly at their circumstance and pulled her headset back on, drowning her head out with the music as a stray tear slipped her eye.

She closed her eyes and lulled herself to sleep as Lisa was seated at the desk texting Jungkook the news.

🥥: JK
😽: Lisa

😽:She said yes!
🥥: no way? Jennie did? She hates.... People
😽: I know, maybe she's changing?
🥥: Maybe... well hyung is calling me. I'll see you 9?
😽: Yeah. See you then.bye 👋

Lisa shut off her phone as she turned to tell Jennie the events, but chose not to when she saw the girl asleep, and rather opted to let her rest and wake her up for dinner before they had to head out.

Hours had passed before Jennie woke up to the shaking of Lisa, as she grudgingly opened her eyes and faced the girl.

"What time is it?"she asked her yawning as she pulled down her headset.

"8:20. Let's go get dinner. We have to be there by 9" Lisa informed Jennie regarding the new updates as she nodded.

Jennie put her headset on her desk once she disconnected the device from her phone, putting the phone into her Jean pockets, which were more comfortable than you think, she also grabbed a hair tie or two and placed them in another pocket.

Lisa also grabbed her phone and put on her sneakers, which Jennie mimicked as the girls stood up.

Lisa walked behind the elder as she stretched and closed the door behind her, and then caught up to Jennie putting an arm around her shoulder, leading her down to the lunch hall.

"I wonder what they're serving today. It better not be eel, I need my energy sister" Lisa said as she whiffed a sent of the food as their steps neared the room.

Thankfully for her, there was no eel and instead a variety of food, which she plated along with Jennie and the two quickly ate it before leaving.

They snuck off the perimeters using a secret exit they had used for a while, and then crossing to the forest which was forbidden.

The reason they chose to explore the place is that because it was so untouched people had imagined that there were ghosts around here, or some type of spiritual forms which made the teachers frightened enough to forbid access to it.

They walked over to the tree that they had decided to meet at, the one opposite the PE entrance due to it being quite diminished and still hidden enough.

They silently made their way until they spotted the guy who invited them.

"Hey Kook" Lisa said out of nowhere making him and a Jimin who was beside him jump and turn back, with protective stances.

They loosened however when they noticed who it was.

"Jesus. Why sneak up on us?" He asked holding a hand to his chest dramatically.

"Sneak up on you? Man we just walked how we normally would, I guess we were quieter then you guys because we've done this a lot"'Lisa laughed.

"Okay then. Just not going to question it. Oh right, here's the rest of the group" he said turning around so they could see, but both the girls smiled immediately faded once they saw the guests.

"What are they doing here" Jennie asked with a cold tone, making the others notice them.

The minute Jisoo and Rosé noticed them they looked shocked, which told Jennie and Lisa that they hadn't known about them coming either.

"Well... they're also our friends?" Jimin said sheepishly as Lisa sighed.

"Oh come on, you don't have to talk. But Jin invited them and we invited you, and before we could say anything it was too late" hobi intervened this time as he explained.

"Well have fun. I'm out" Jennie said as she turned to leave, but someone caught her wrist.

"Don't be a mood downer, it's just one night" a deeper one voiced as Jennie recognised him as Taehyung and Yoongi yanked his arm off of her.

"Don't touch her like that. She didn't allow you to" He said acting as if it was a lesson on manners before Jennie responded.

"I am not going to willingly hang out with someone who attacked me" she said as this time Lisa held her hand.

"Please? Let's try just for tonight? You don't have to talk to them, but stay with me? For me?" Lisa asked with a pleading tone as they had a silent conversation with they eyes.

"Fine, but any funny business, we go home. BOTH of us, no questions" she said emphasising the word 'both' as Lisa nodded in agreement.

"All right, now that this is all sorted. Let's go" Namjoon said not wanting to get caught as the 11 of them ventured into the forbidden woods.

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