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"Oh thank god, I thought we almost got eaten" Jin sighed as he rubbed his forehead in relief.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I don't particularly enjoy eating humans" a voice called which made them all stand straight back up in shock, as they faced the direction.


"Hey?" She said as she walked out the bushes, dusting herself off before a body collided against hers.

"Woah woah easy does it there" she said before she smiled at the Lisa who was clinging onto her for dear life, as she hugged the girl back and caressed her hair.

"I-I thought you were gone?!" Lisa exclaimed into her shoulder, as tears brimmed down her cheeks.

"Shh Shh, it's okay, I'm right here." Jennie said as the group only watched with mixed reactions, most of them not believing the sight in front of them, and the others too in shock to respond.

"Oh god" Yoongi said as he engulfed Jennie in a hug as soon Lisa let go and he processed what happened, as Jennie hugged him back.

"Don't you ever pull off a stunt like that you hear me?!" He said, his brother mode activated as he held the girl as close as possible, afraid to lose her again.

"I won't, I'm sorry." She said mumbling as he pulled away and held her shoulders, before he gave her a warm smile.

"I'm glad you're here." He said as she faced the rest of the group, seeing their faces made her a little awkward on what to do as she wasn't really good with people.

"Uhh... Surprise?" She said raising her shoulders as she looked at them, as they only took a moment before engulfing her in hugs themselves, as they had a reunion right there.

Many words went around as well as tears were shed, due to the fact that they had thought her dead, and were more relived than ever to see her actually standing there in front of them.

They had even thought it was a hallucination at first, as it was such a shocker to them.

"You actually scared me shitless. To think we had just made up and then you almost die? What was I supposed to do right then and there?" Jisoo said when it was her turn, as Jennie laughed and hugged her back.

"Next time, let's stay enemies then" she said as Jisoo smacked her arm, making Jennie wince and take a hold of it.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" She exclaimed as Jisoo crossed her arms.

"Don't say Next time! There won't be one got it?" She said scolding the younger who only rubbed the area where she got it.

"Yes mom, but let's hope this doesn't bruise" she pouted as Jisoo rolled her eyes with a smile at their playful banter.

"Wait so, how did you even survive? There was no way you could have escaped?" Namjoon asked as they all settled down, and handed Jennie some of the food they had.

"Well you see..."


"I love you" Jennie said to Lisa, a goodbye message, as Jungkook ran out with her, after giving Jennie one last look of guilt and sorrow.

"No! Stop! Pu..." Lisa's receding voice could be heard as Jennie let out a strangled cry from the weight of it.

The weight had become unbearable for her, and she had to give up, at least knowing the fact that the rest were out safely made it a lot easier for her.

As the weight had over taken her capacity, she let go, letting out a scream as she collapsed, passing out, only seeing a green flash before her eyes before.

A few hours had passed before Jennie had woken again, or so she thought as she woke up in what seemed to be a cave, as she was covered by a huge leaf which had worked as a blanket.

"Where... am I?" She breathed out as she sat up, feeling slightly dizzy as she did.

"You're awake" a voice called, which made her immediately shift into a defensive state not knowing who it was, as a figure stalked towards her, eventually sitting in front of her.

"Hear... drink this, it'll make you feel better" the unknown woman had said, giving her a make shift glass of a strange liquid, which made Jennie look at it suspiciously but nevertheless she drank it, seeing as this woman had most likely taken care of her.

"Who are you?" Jennie asked the lady, barely above a whisper.

"You may not know me, but I'm Phyrra." The unknown lady introduced, finally giving Jennie a name and a sense of identity.

"You... you're one of the first people to be sent here by the ministry" Jennie said in realisation, as Phyrra's eyebrows crashed together.

"You know me?" She asked as Jennie nodded.

"Not a lot of people do, but yes, I do know you" she said as Phyrra nodded.

"Well... sweetie, you must be wondering why you're here" she said, giving Jennie a pet name as she didn't know her real one.

"Jennie, my name is Jennie, and yes, why am I here?" jennie said politely, as Phyrra nodded with a smile.

"I saved you, just before you were killed by the crashing Ice fortress. I sensed your pain and came there, and just in time because if I was a second later, you would have died. I have the power of teleportation you see" she said as Jennie took in the information.

She sat there before widening her eyes.

"My friends, where are they?" She asked as Phyrra only looked at her quizzically.

"There's more of you?" She asked as Jennie nodded.

"Yeah we uh, we were accidentally sent here. We're trying to go home right now" she explained as Phyrra widened her eyes.

"The ministry didn't send you?" She questioned as Jennie nodded.

"You guys, you have to get out of here before the red moon. It's too late for me, I was here for the previous one, and I'm bounded here, but the next one is in five days, you have to leave. The door is behind the waterfalls cave. You must hurry and catch up to them as well, there isn't much time. I must have missed your friends, and they must be further in the woods now, due to the fact that you were passed out for at least two weeks now" Phyrra explained as Jennie widened her eyes.

"Two weeks?!" She exclaimed as Phyrra nodded.

"Sadly yes. Now go, I'm afraid I won't be of much help now, seeing that I won't be able to sense them. But you must go now, before it's too late, and before you are stuck until the end of time"

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