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"So what you're saying is we have to get out of here within 5 days?" Jin clarified as Jennie shook her head.

"No no, it WAS five days.." she started as she emphasised on those words.

"But it took me three whole days to find you, so now we basically have two days, tomorrow and the day after." she clarified as the group looked at each other shocked:

They were about to freak out but got interrupted before they could.

"Now now, before you freak out, we can make it. As long as we head out early tomorrow, and we cut the break times really short, and we don't stop during the night for too long, we should make it" She says as most of the group sighed somewhat relieved.

"So take as much sleep as you can tonight, rest up, because we have a long and very hectic two days ahead of us. I'm talking no sleep at all tomorrow night" she said as the group nodded and scrambled to eat, before they could go to bed, just as she said.

"We leave at the crack of dawn; which is when that loud bird screeches" she instructed them.

"Well I missed having someone to help instruct and take care of the group" Namjoon said as he and Jennie brought the water out to put out the fire.

"Well here I am then" she joked making him crack a smile.

"Hey Jen?" A voice called as the two looked behind once they put out the water, to find Taehyung standing there already.

"Did you need something tae?" She asked as Namjoon raised as eyebrow, not informed about their new nickname situation.

"Hm, I'm just going to steal you for a moment." He said as he grabbed her hand and waved a goodbye to Namjoon, who only stood there with his eyebrows furrowed and waved back very confused.

"What's wrong" Jennie asked once they made it out the thicket into a more reserved place.

He didn't answer her question, instead he took a hold of her face as he cupped his hands on the sides of her face, as his head tilts down towards her, pressing his lips to hers softly.

She was taken aback at first, but quickly reciprocated as her hands went around his to his back, as their bodies shifted closer together, and one of his hands went to support her waist as he walked her to lean onto one of the tree trunks.

Pulling away after a moment, the two stared into each other's eyes as emotions bore from them.

They were used to kissing and such, as every time they'd snuck away it usually resulted in their lips against the others.

But no label was introduced as of then, and the only thing they knew of one another was the fact that they were sure the feelings between them were definitely mutual and reciprocated.

"You... you scared me so hard" he said as hugged her figure close to his, as she wasn't leaning against the trunk of the tree anymore.

"I know... and I-I, I'm sorry" she mumbled from her head being buried in his chest, as he only softly sighed against her.

"Promise me you won't risk your life like that again" he asked her, as he held her face and stared into her eyes with a sincere gaze.

"You know very well promises are meant to be broken. But, I will try my best." She told him, as she gave him a sweet smile, leaning into his palm.

"Okay" he said, before leaning back down and pressing his lips against hers once again, as Jennie reached up to put one of her hands on his chest.

Once breathless again, they pulled apart:

"Let's get some shut eye, we both need it" she mumbled as she softly kissed the palm of his hand, while he nodded, rubbing his own thumb against the skin of her cheeks.

Walking back to the group, they had found that most of them were already asleep, and the remaining few were sorting out supplies.

Bidding Jennie a goodbye, Taehyung walked towards Namjoon to help him with storing some of the supplies.

"Here" he said as he handed him one of the stray apple like fruits that had rolled away.

"Thanks" Namjoon said as he put it into the bag once taking it from Taehyung.

"So... what's between you and Jennie?" He asked as the two were beside each other, and Taehyung slightly froze.

"Nothings between us... what makes you think that?" He said as he continued acting as if nothing had happened.

"Oh come on, you're not fooling me here. You can tell me, the others are asleep." He said as Taehyung only sighed in defeat and looked around before leaning closer towards Namjoon.

"Look.. only Jimin knows so far. I like her.. Jennie. We've gotten closer ever since this whole thing happened, and we've kissed a couple of times and all. There's no labels or anything yet, but I'm thinking of asking her to be my girl friend once all this is over, and once we're back home, where things would have calmed down a bit" he explained as Namjoon only gave him a teasing yet shocked look.

"Kissed? My boy is growing up" he said as Taehyung only smacked his arm.

"Do you really like her?" Namjoon asked as he closed up one of the bags and stood up, looking at Taehyung.

"Hyung I think... I think I love her"

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