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"I'm going to get some more fruits before the sun sets, could you guys set up camp?" Rosé asks as she ties her hair up with the hair tie she always has on her wrist.

"Yep, be careful out there though" Namjoon tells her, as Jisoo had only given her a thumbs up in affirmation.

"Wait hold up, Let me come too" Jimin said standing up, as he approached her.

"Why? I'm capable enough of handling myself Jimin" Rosé said, as she crossed her arms over her chest looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I never said you weren't, but you see, I don't think you'll be able to carry all the food back alone. On top of that, two is better than one. Come on" he said as he waved a playful good bye to the group, as he grabbed Rosé's arm and brought the two of them out their current shelter.

"Where are the fruits exactly?" Jimin asked Rosé, who only shrugged in response.

"I'm not too sure, but I saw a few back that way before" she said pointing to the direction they had arrived in earlier, as Jimin squinted looking ahead.

"All right, let's go then. I hope there's some of those weird yellow berry stuff" he said, as he was reminded of the sweet berry he liked out of all they'd had.

"Probably will be, there's bushes there." Rosé said as she walked forward, her hair bouncing behind her with every step she took.

After stepping through multiple twigs, and passing multiple stray branches, they made it to the spot that Rosé had mentioned earlier, and to Jimin's delight, the so called 'weird yellow berry stuff', were present, as he excitedly plucked a few placing them in one of the small bags.

"I don't know how you're going to cope without those berry's in the real world" Rosé mentioned, chuckling at his excited behaviour.

"I'll just steal a few you know?" He joked as she sighed getting some of the other varieties as well.

A comfortable silence passed through them, as they were quietly gathering the fruits into the satchels, as many as they could, knowing that a lot of them had huge appetites.

"You know, I reckon we'll reach the cave within the next three to four days" Jimin said as Rosé faced him with a wide grin.

"Really? That fast?" She asked in disbelief, as the idea of home only drew closer as time went by.

"Yeah, and that's with our breaks counted. We'll, finally get home" he said happily, as Rosé turned back around to continue picking a berry which was had a huge resemblance to the normal mulberries they were aquatinted with.

"Wow... that's... that sounds nice. Will it be a Tuesday when we get back? Or Wednesday? Oh I don't even know, I completely lost count on the days we've been here" she mumbled, popping a berry in her mouth once she rinsed it with water, and passing one to Jimin as well.

"You got me there, I don't even know how long we've spent here. Es- Holy crap" Jimin gasped as Rosé turned back to look at him inquisitively, as she saw him staring at something a little further away from her.

"What is it?" She yelled back, questioning what he saw from down there.

"You've gotta come up here, I swear" he said as he looked at her with a smile, and she just shook her head but did so nonetheless, walking towards him and taking the final two steps up the little mount with the help of Jimin's outreached hand.

"What is it you wanted to show m- Oh my god" she also gasped as she stared into the view in front of her, as it rendered her breathless.

"Right? It's quite something" he said as he pushed the branch away, staring into the vast field of flowers in front of them, with the scenery behind of an amazing sunset.

"Is it safe?" Jimin asked, Turning to Rosé, who closed her eyes a moment to get a sense, and turned to him a moment later with an excited smile.

Reciprocating the smile equally, Jimin pushes the branch apart completely before stepping down carefully, and reaching his hand out to Rosé as his feet made contact with the ground.

She gladly took it and stepped down as well, taking in a deep breath as she looked in front.

"Come on" he said as he walked forward, almost reaching the middle of the field as flowers of different shapes and colours surrounded him, and the air was filled with the sweet aroma of them.

The sunset was cast at the top, which although there was no physical sun, there was a point behind the mountains where the red sky turned purple, blending in beautifully, creating an artistic landscape across the sky.

"How did we miss this earlier?" Rosé asked as she laughed like a little kid, running through the fields.

"We must have been to focused on walking towards the waterfall cave place, also it was kinda hidden" Jimin says while he laughed at her childish antics.

"It's so pretty" she smiled as the evening breeze passed her by, as she took a deep breath of it, and Jimin crouched down picking up one of the light pink flowers.

"It really is" he says, admiring it, as he even thought of collecting a few to take back home.

"Woah easy there" Jimin said, as he caught a tripping Rosé in his arms who had almost collided into him.

Helping her stand up, he let out a small chuckle at the event.

But once she did stand up, he took in a sharp breath at their close distance, as he saw the light of the sunlight casting perfectly against one half of her face, while they stood in the field.

Raising his hand, he looked at the flower, before putting it in her hair gently, as Rosé blushed a shade of pink at his actions.

"Beautiful..." he breathed, as his hand cupped the side of her face, and she gasped lightly as his lips connected with hers.

Within a moment, she softly kissed him back, as one of her hands came up to hold the hand that was on her cheek, as the other rested on his chest, while Jimin's free hand came around her waist as he pulled her closer.

Their lips pulled apart not a moment later, as she could feel her cheeks burning up, as Jimin brushed a strand of her hair away from her face.

"I love you"


"I love you too"

End Of Time| Bangpink Where stories live. Discover now