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"So you're saying you have no idea on how to get out of here?" Rosé clarified asking, as both Namjoon and Jennie just nodded.

"Well firstly, let's head to that forest instead of just standing here and getting hypothermia. We're bound to find some fruit or whatever grows in there" Jisoo started as she pointed towards the mass of green that was in the distance.

"What? No way. What if there's wild animals or evil stuff in there." Jungkook started as he protested against the idea of potentially walking towards his doom.

"No I agree. There could be so many things in there, and what if the fruits are poisonous? How would we know?" Yoongi continued backing up the denial of the idea.

"We literally have a nature powered person here. She can sense it or whatever" Lisa said pointing at Rosé who immediately flailed her arms in the air in disagreement.

"Hey even if I can that doesn't mean I want to go in there! This is a new realm, forests aren't exactly confirmed to be the same. We know nothing about it" Rosé argued also pointing towards the mass dramatically.

"See! Even she doesn't want to go there"

"Yeah but if we don't we'll all die here of hypothermia"

"Not really I'll be fine"

"Well not all of us are ice powered Jin"

"Exactly! My ass is close to death because I'm fire powered. I say forest"

"Absolutely not! What if there's a huge danger there!"

Everyone began arguing on their next move, every single person, as they chose the side they wanted to be on, as they tried to decide their next move.

It was turning chaotic, and one of them was worried that all the racket they were making would be the actual reason of their death because they were sure at least someone would know they were there if close enough.

"ENOUGH!" Jennie yelled at the loud and chaotic group as her eyes turned purple and she sent a shock wave below them through her powers, knocking them down and effectively silencing them.

"Hey not cool!" Jimin said as he got up and dusted his clothes from the icy texture..... again.

"Shut it. We'll die here instead with all your noise. And as much as I hate to say it... Jisoo is right. You guys are arguing that something dangerous could be in the woods, what's the guarantee it isn't here, or coming towards us?

A forest, is the basic source of survival needs, more than a burnt one or a pile of snow. And we all can't survive standing here in our clothes for more than 20 or 30 minutes, because we probably will get hypothermia.

Right now, all we know is that the forest is the best bet. If we can use our powers, our survival rate is much higher there because there's more elements.

Get it together, there isn't a single bit of food or running water.

The forest, from our own experiences in various ones, usually has them. Let's go there.

If you don't want to come... then don't. I don't exactly want to , or plan to, split up, but I'm not going to stick around any longer for something to come eat us.

I'm moving." Jennie silenced the group as she walked forward and grabbed Lisa's arm bringing the girl with her, who was quite literally shivering and her teeth were flattering due to the cold, as her lips were turning a light tint of blue.

Jisoo followed a little later with Jin, and so did Taehyung behind them with Namjoon, and eventually the rest of the group as well, though it took longer than it should have, as the 11 of them made their way towards the woodland.

"Is this really the right way?" Taehyung asked Yoongi who was beside him, and the latter only shrugged.

"There is no actual right or wrong way right now. We're just going with the flow. I'm only following to make sure Jennie is safe" he replied curtly to Taehyung as the younger raised an eyebrow.

"Are you two... dating? Or do you like her o-" he began as Yoongi elbowed him causing Taehyung to crouch a moment.

"No you idiot. That would be incest. She's my sister" he clarified as Taehyung widened his eyes in astonishment.

"You had a sister? And that's Jennie? How? You don't even have the same last names or fea- oh. Gummy smiles, savage remarks" Taehyung began listing as Yoongi only sighed.

"We chose not to tell people because she didn't want it. She's my adopted sister ever since her parents were, murdered" he explained the truth of the situation as an awkward silence took over.

"Hey guys! What're you talking about?" Hobi jumped in, as Taehyung mentally thanked the guy for his intrusion as he saved them from the awkward silence.

Eventually the heaps of snow from under the teenagers boots had changed into grassland as they walked further and further forward.

Suddenly, Jisoo's foot stepped on something causing a loud crack to be voiced near them, as they each immediately powered up within a second thinking that something or someone had come to attack them.

"Calm down guys I just stepped on a twig, don't get so fired up" Jimin said awkwardly laughing as he saw those who could activate their powers, and especially backed away from Taehyung and Jennie as the two could cause, real, and very dangerous harm if using their powers in attack.

Within a second all of them had calmed down, noticing no apparent threats in front of them.

"Uh guys, tha-that isn't a twig" Rosé muttered as she pointed at the place that Jimins foot had just stepped off of, her voice cracking in the sentence.

Curiously their heads all arched towards it and they all let out small sounds of shock.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, b-but, that's a human bone" Lisa stuttered at the sight of it.

Stepping back, Jennie widened her eyes at the surroundings.

"Guys, there's more"

All around the shore of the snow, laid several human bones, most were definitely decayed, but a few weren't, making them gag a little.

"Holy shit"

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