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"Agh shit" Rosé muttered as she held her head, finally sitting up.

Earlier they had found themselves spiralling through a free fall the moment the door disappeared, and she just remembered hitting different walls before making contact, luckily, with snow, which had broken their fall, but had unfortunately left them welcome to possible frostbite or hypothermia.

She looked around as she tried to spot the others, who she could only assume had fallen nearby as well.

Standing up, as much as could seeing they were in at least a few feet of snow, she was able to make out Yoongi a short distance from them, as he was also awake.

He glanced her way as he saw her, and she approached him.

It took a massive effort, as she had to literally fight through the snow.

Luckily all of them had worn boots so that they could prevent snake bites as they arrived in the forest.

"There's Hobi oppa!" Rosé pointed out as Yoongi glanced that way and made our Namjoon nearby as well.

Rosé looked to the other side to see Jin and Jisoo nearby each other as well.

She motioned to Yoongi that she would go to them, and he nodded making his way to the others.

"Unnie" she said as she shook the girl, and grew relieved as Jisoo awoke holding her head in pain, and Rosé moved on to Jin.

Yoongi on the other hand woke up both Hobi and Namjoon, which didn't take much effort, but froze as he saw a familiar pair of black wings in the distance.

The reason Jennie grew wings was that her mother had them, biological, and Jennie grew into a hybrid.

He made his way over almost immediately after making sure the other two were okay, and saw that Jennie had used her wings to shelter Lisa from the fall and cold, as the girl was fire blooded and the winter would be a weakness.

He sighed at Jennie's selflessness as she started to shake her awake, and she woke up, along with Lisa.

Jennie had recoiled her wings almost immediately when she was awake, and got up thanks to the help of Yoongi who had pulled her up.

Helping Lisa up next, she looked around at her surroundings.

"Where are we?" Lisa muttered as Jennie shrugged her shoulders, just as unaware.

The surroundings looked unreal, in a bad way, as it seemed eerie.

Not being able to see too far into the distance, Jennie was only able to make out the dark red clouds that were looming above them, and the dead trees far ahead north, which almost looked black.

The other way, she saw mountains in the distance, with a much darker green, although it still didn't look very inviting.

'Ones better than the other' Jennie bitterly thought as she knew they shouldn't have come through that door.

And then she realised, where they were, as she stiffened, knowing how bad the situation was.

Her thoughts were interrupted quite soon as a voice was yelling at them, catching their attention.

"Guys! Over here! I found everyone! Regroup" Rosé was yelling as the three of them looked at each other and painfully made their way through the snow, not wanting to use their powers to save energy.

"Holy shit where are we" Jimin said as he saw the surreal atmosphere.

"It seems like a fairy tale. Are we sure this isn't a dream?" Jungkook asked scratching his head, not sure if this was his subconscious imagination or the real thing that they were all witnessing.

"Ouch!" He winced when Rosé pinched him.

She just shrugged in response .

"Not a dream then" she said simply before facing the others again joining their conversation once again.

"For all I know, this definitely isn't Oerth anymore" Taehyung added as he saw the red clouds as well, which seemed like a war cry from a fiction movie.

Or be it Sci-fi, it was some genre.

"Verden" Jennie mumbled under her breath, knowing exactly where they were at that moment, even though she didn't want to be there.

"Huh? Unnie? Did you say something?" Lisa questioned as she heard the faint mumbling.

"I said we're in Verden" Jennie said as the others looked blankly at her, until Namjoon let out a surprised gasp.

"Holy shit, she's right" Namjoon muttered as Jin raised an eyebrow.

"And how are you two so sure about that?" He asked them as Namjoon spoke up for them.

"The surroundings, it matches the exact description. The random door in the forest, the free fall, plus the door disappearing, we're definitely in Verden" he said.

"Okay what am I missing here, what in the world is Verden?" Jungkook asked confused as hell.

"Yeah, I mean I'm pretty sure we go to the same school, but I don't know either" Taehyung continued.

"The dark world" is all Jennie said as she faced him, and he could see that she was nervous, and maybe he even saw a glimpse of fear in her eyes that stared at his, but he didn't know what emotions she was pouring into his.

"Okay. So now that we know where we are, and you two know about it, how do we get out of here?" Jimin questioned the two as he looked at them both, hoping and waiting for their answers or guidance, but his eyebrows furrowed as the two seemed to have looked down.

"What? What is it? You do know how to get out of here right? So tell us!" Jisoo continued as Jennie took a deep breath facing them.

She looked at them all one by one as she explained the dilemma of their situation, which was a nightmare in real life.

They wished it were one, because what they heard sent multiple rushes of emotions through them, mainly, fear.

"No one knows. No body who has come into the dark realm of ours, Verden, was ever heard from again. We don't even know if an exit exists"

End Of Time| Bangpink Where stories live. Discover now